Mar 07, 2012 18:36
As a student, I very much enjoyed watching "Stranger than Fiction" in the class. If you ask me what I think would be a good movie to replace this current movie with would be "The Diary of Anne Frank" because not only does it have an intense plot, but it is also a historical and true movie. This is the autobiographical story of a young Jewish girl who is hiding from the invading Nazis during the terrorizing World War II. Anne and her family share a claustrophobic attic with another family. The movie shows the hardships these families had to go though and what their lives were like living in the tiny attic, while constantly having to be worried of getting caught. This movie would be especially useful if the next semester’s class is also joined with a history class because the movie is historically accurate with what actually went on during World War II. Then as for the writing assignments, I think this would be a much easier movie to write about because the students can do research on the war and time frame the movie was placed in, which will help with determining whether or not the movie has literary merit and many themes can come from the plot and its history.