Did I enjoy "Stranger than Fiction"?

Mar 07, 2012 18:14

Did I enjoy watching the movie, "Stranger Than Fiction"? To be completely honest, "Stranger Than Fiction" is one of my favorite movies but it would actually have to be towards the bottom of my list of favorite movies.  I remember watching this film many years ago in the movie theater with my mom when it first came out.  At the time, it was an amazing movie and it inspired me to not take my time for granted. I thought it was funny and awkward at times. Although I really enjoyed most things about this movie, I could not watch it for a third time again because the story just gets old after even after the first time watching it. I feel this way about most movies I watch, but especially this one because it is such a slow paced movie and it takes so long to finally get to the climax. Also, I am no longer a huge fan of Will Farrel because he is an over exposed actor and I don’t think he fits the character very well. I would rather have seen a younger and more attractive actor play his character instead. 
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