~Random info~

Nov 02, 2009 00:52

...I like to write poems and fanfiction when the mood hits. These I usually leave for myself though some are reserved for those who would actually enjoy reading them...

...I wrote a childrens book that is still on my computer waiting for me to self publish...

...I love to sleep...

...Whatever the current "Harry Potter" movie is, I re-read the book before it comes out. Looks like I'll also do this for the Twilight Saga...

...I'm a nurse and can look at someones blood and body fluids all day and not really care, but mucus makes me sick...

...Every Thursday I do the same thing at 7pm, I watch "Bones". Some people may call me obsessed, I just say that those people don't watch the show :)...

...To this day, I have dreams about my "first love" from Middle School...

...I put my left shoe on first...

...I don't like too much stuff on my keychain...

...I think I am destined to be with a man with an unusual name...

...I hate washing my car...

...I need to start some type of work out, but I hate working out. Where does that leave me?...

...I've always said I wouldn't get a tattoo for a man, but I left the Navy after 9 years for a man. Where's the logic in that?...

...I don't have a lot of close friends, but the ones I do are priceless...

...I don't like heights and am deathly afraid of cockroaches. I don't dislike them, I have a horrible primal fear of them and they know it...

...If I see that the timer on a microwave hasn't been reset to zero, I do it.  I can't help it ;)...


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