Musings of an unemployed, newly licensed nurse...

Oct 29, 2009 02:02

These are what my days are consisted of currently...

1.  Job hunting...
2.  Checking my favorite Bones Spoiler web page...
3.  Reading my favorite Bones fanfiction, and attempting to write as well...
4.  Randomly surfing the internet...
5.  Walking to my son's school and then walking home with him...
6.  Checking my favorite Bones Spoiler page incase something was posted while I was away :)...
7.  Job hunting....
8.  Watching re-runs of Bones on TNT or on the DVR(love that thing)...
9.  Dinner...
10.Yes, more internet...
11.Checking my favorite Bones Spoiler web page(see a pattern? lol)

It's pretty frustrating to graduate from Nursing school and wait 2 months to be able to get your license and then have a more difficult time finding employment than was expected.  I know things will eventually fall into place, just have to be patient.  I'm contemplating re-enlisting in the Navy but I still have to figure all that out as well.  I would really love to join the Nurse Corps and be a Navy Nurse!  Till then, I guess I'll live out my days like the above list, probably squeezing in an extra Bones web check or two :)


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