The Suicides

May 18, 2004 16:39

-this is dedicated to all those souls that have commited suicide-
As my encarta states that 3,800 suicides are reported in Canada each year. Those are 3,800 people each year who suffer from immense feelings of worthlessness and find the strength within them to say good-bye.
What I'm asking in this entry is that you do not think of that number as a "statistic" but as people and not to criticize them as stupid cowards. Those people found enough disrespect in their life, why continue this in their death? I'm asking that you remember that this year is just beginning, and that anyone you know and love could end up killing themselves. Somethings normally triggor this action, and you never know what could happen. Would you like a loved one who is dead remembered as some coward?

Now, to start this off, I want you to think of the people around you who may have killed themselves. Think of them when you hear of another suicide in the paper before you brush it off as nothing. When you were with these people, you knew them and cared for them. Think of those you cared for who felt things were just too much for them to take.
Whether it be by rope, gun, razorblade, or pills, these people took their lives. These people could have been mothers or fathers, sons or daughters, siblings or cousins, aunts or uncles, and were friends.
These people are the Suicides

People often say that if you complain that things are bad in your life then to do something about it. People who kill themselves do exactly that. They get rid of the problem by destroying the root of that perceiving any 'problem'. They do what is asked of them. Often times, people who kill themselves do it without any one knowing they are feeling this way.
People often call this the "coward's way out". But personally, I think it takes some bravery to end your life without knowing what is beyond. For all they know, they could be preparing themselves for a world of never-ending (the Biblical) Hell, or just nothing. Both of these things normally scare people.
I have to admit that it takes guts to sit there and fight against your body going into shock and bleed to death. I admit that I couldnt do it. I panicked. But people who kill themselves, obviously learned how to calm themselves or perhaps just went into a different state of shock.
Either way, I ask that you remember these people for who they were in life, and not tarnish everything they acheived or meant to you because of the way they died.
These people are veterens of death. Hell, many war veterens end up killing themselves from the shock of war.
Power to the Suicides

*Now, before you all get angry and start bitching me out, I AM NOT PRO-SUICIDE, so get off your windowsill and sit tight. These are my opinions and I do NOT want any comments. So stitch your lips and tie your hands. If you have nothing but hate to spill, then STOP READING. You have a choice. And no, dont go and get out your razors thinking this is liberating. It is to those sad people who have killed themselves and may do it. This is to honor them in a way they were never honored in life.
And if you are willing to keep quite and just read
Now that I know you are willing to just listen and not kill yourselves because I say "jump" (meaning you arent some CLONE), let's get into the issue of why did they do it
The common question is normally WHY. Then its HOW. But WHY IS MOST IMPORTANT.
It is theorized that "all suicides have three interrelated and unconscious dimensions: revenge/hate (a wish to kill), depression/hopelessness (a wish to die), and guilt (a wish to be killed)."
"Theorists who, study how people process information, emphasize the role of inflexible thinking or tunnel vision and an inability to generate solutions to problems"
I ask you, why criticize someone who's problems may be embedded in their own mentality? You don't know what they were thinking. You don't know how their INDIVIDUAL mind rationalized nor do you know any mental problems they may have had.
Power to the Suicides---Power to the People and Mentality

Many people are alienated when they act out and cannot cope. This only worstens the situation.
"People with severe mental illnesses experience disturbing symptoms that can make it difficult to hold a job, go to school, relate to others, or cope with ordinary life demands."
What may seem easy to you may be extraordinarily difficult for them. Remember to understand people with mental illness, and not judge them or treat them like insignificant shit. Society is just beginning to understand the concept of mental health and illness.
"A number of mental illnesses--such as depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder--occur worldwide. Others seem to occur only in particular cultures (anorexia nervosa primarily found in media cultures)"
"Some of the major categories include anxiety disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, personality disorders, cognitive disorders, dissociative disorders, somatoform disorders, factitious disorders, substance-related disorders, eating disorders, and impulse-control disorders."
Obviously, there is a lot going on in people's minds that they cannot particularily control. Many of which are CHEMICAL IMBALENCES. Sorry, but people need HELP for these problems, not isolation.

Let me focus on biplor for a second, this because I myself have been diagnosed with a form of it and am just beginning to cope with the distress it has caused in my life. It seems to account for a lot of things that happen in my mind. HAVING A DISORDER IS SOMETHING THAT IS HORRIBLY DISTURBING! Imagine knowing you cant get into your own mind or control your body. Its horrifying.
"Mood disorders, also called affective disorders, create disturbances in a person's emotional life. Depression, mania, and bipolar disorder are examples of mood disorders. Symptoms of depression may include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness, as well as complaints of physical pain and changes in appetite, sleep patterns, and energy level. In mania, on the other hand, an individual experiences an abnormally elevated mood, often marked by exaggerated self-importance, irritability, agitation, and a decreased need for sleep. In bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, a person's mood alternates between extremes of mania and depression."
Now, "People with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders lose contact with reality. Symptoms may include delusions and hallucinations, disorganized thinking and speech, bizarre behavior, a diminished range of emotional responsiveness, and social withdrawal. In addition, people who suffer from these illnesses experience an inability to function in one or more important areas of life, such as social relations, work, or school."

There are many things that happen in one's mind that they should not be held fully responsible for. When it comes to suicide as a way out, remember that people who kill themselves are not idiots. They have problems like the rest of us, yet are impared to seek solutions others may find easily. Sometimes, a person's horrible feelings are just too much, and people find they need to "save" themselves.
Should a person who has died be remembered with no respect? They did what they felt was best. Many people do that in every day life. But just because their mind rationalized differently, they are stupid and deserve no respect? Sometimes, a person's only wish in life is to be respected as a fellow HUMAN BEING.
They were born into the world. They lived in the world. They died from the world.
Let's keep it simplified.
Remember your loved ones who have committed suicide.
Power to the Suicides

Of course, every action is BITTER SWEET
In the case of my life, it is sweet for my mother having given birth to a healthy baby girl, but bitter for I am the one who has possessed this body.
In the case of suicide, it appears sweet for the person who ends their life, yet for everyone else it is bitter.

So many people could have fought through their depressions. So many people find no hope to fight each day.
Remember these people as what they were and are: PEOPLE, LOVED ONES.
Every person has a loved one. Every person has a reason inside that only they truly know. Every person deserves respect for being a person and a loved one.
And so I end this saying:
Remember the people who have lived and who have died. This entry goes out to the Suicides.

Love those who are still with you. And keep a loving memory of those who have left this world for the next.
Never take for granted the precious moments you have with people. There is never a lot of time in this world for good, and there is a forever amount of time for shit.
Love Always, the BRANDED BITCH
..signing out..

If this is the last entry I ever write, Lord, what an entry to go out with. I hope this has opened your eyes to hold onto what is important to you and love those with you. Time is precious. Time is brutal. But then again..Time is precious.
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