Hello! So sorry for the long delay and for getting so behind! My back is mostly better, hooray! And my sudden and terrifying computer issues are solved, so let's get this show on the road!
One of the things I enjoy about doing this project every year is that I learn about interesting holiday customs that I might never have come across otherwise. Today's piece is exactly that! Thank you
kit10notk9 for pointing me at the Icelandic Legend of Jólakötturinn - The Giant Yule Cat.
From what I understand, this enormous cat peeks through the windows looking for anyone who didn’t receive clothing during Christmas night. If anyone is so unfortunate, the cat then hunts them down and eats them.
Apropo of nothing, movie-version!Harry Potter always seems to never get any new clothes...
Exhibit A
So let's just see what is going on, shall we?
*Meanwhile, in Iceland*
*dropped off by Three Wise Men at Dreamwidth, AO3 and tumblr*