
Nov 23, 2022 21:29

Oh wow, it has been a long long time since I've been on here.

First and firstmostly, Honey and her elbows are all healed up and she had a bath. She is really slowing down now though and is all about the napping. She is even using her numerous comfy beds! Progress! We go for our "walks" but it is really just a wander to the front yard where she looks around and smells things and stares down anyone who dares to walk down our street. She doesn't want to eat unless I sit with her and feed her out of my hand, which of course I am happy to do.

My life has been a wild ride lately and it's been impossible to manage all my responsibilities:
*there is a huge stack of unopened mail on my kitchen counter
*I've neglected my bills and my internet got cut off
*there is no human food in my house
*I haven't showered in like 4 DAYS. Can you smell me? I bet you can
*I've not replied to comments here or on AO3
*I have so many emails I need to deal with, so many voice messages I should listen to, friends that I should text back, birthday wishes that I need to send...

I just haven't been able to.

You know that feeling where you have some dire commitment and suddenly it seems like it would be really satisfying to wash the dishes instead? I've been fighting that for months. Not giving in, because the dire shit has to be accomplished regardless of how dire it is. Ugh.

What happened wuz - the fun project I was on at work got finished. I thought that would be the end of the gig, but the owner of the place said he'd like me to stay on and work on some other project he had going. I was so excited to not have to go looking for a job that I happily accepted.

The new project, however, was an absolute nightmare. They kept dropping bombs on me like, We expect you to use this particular software that you have never dealt with before and no, there is no one here who can teach it to you. Then, oh we need this stuff by Friday. Then, oh we also need you to use this other software that you've never used before. My head was spinning. For the next few weeks I sweated it out watching so many youtube turorials, taking an almost-class with an online tutor in Shanghai that was derailed because of tech problems, getting all my computery-smart pals to come by on the various weekends to try to help me sort things out but I didn't get far. To be fair, they are not particularly intuitive programs and I am not very tech-savvy to start with. The whole deal was adding up to a Very Not Fun Time.

So, life - falling apart. Work - barely holding it together. Friendships - extra weak sauce on my end.

I dropped out of snapecase and hoggywarty because there was just no way I would have the time to do them. And I have been having a good hard think about whether I can do the 25 Days of Drawing or not. And leaning heavily toward not.


The company owner rang me today and said that the client suddenly decided to not do the project and so the project has disappeared and SO HAS MY EMPLOYMENT.

There have only been a couple of times in my life when I was seriously HAPPY to lose my job. This is one of them. I even got to be a jerk and mention the project getting canceled to my computer-program-dictator-boss. He hadn't heard yet, so yeah, there's me bringing the sunshine, as per usual. :P

The first thing I wanted to do - after buying something to eat - was to pop on here and say hello to all you Lovelies. After which I shall pay my damn bills and sort through that stack of mail.

This lack of income does put a stopper in the whole Buying Land Down South Plan, but I'm hopeful I won't be out of work for too long. I am already in a much better headspace just knowing I don't have to do that crap anymore and being in a good headspace is key to having things work out. That's my belief anyway.


I still have both my Christmas trees up from last year so I'm really ahead of the game. :D

So onward and upward! 25 Days will happen! If you haven't left any prompts for it, feel free to pop over and do so. I like the idea of having a lot to choose from. :D


And if you haven't gotten over to AO3 and read grooot's new SSHG fic - it's a guaranteed pleasant way to pass some time on this holiday weekend.

Happy Thanksgiving to those who thank or give!


*also stuffed in the turkey over at Dreamwidth
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