Infinite HP!AU Character Profiles

Jul 22, 2014 12:58

Below are the basic profiles and general information of the characters (in age order) in the Infinite HP!AU. A lot of things are not accounted for/are open ended, but this the basic info that I kept in mind when writing TPP.

Kim Sunggyu: Slytherin - Sixth Year
- Pure Blood
- Prefect
- Exceptional in History of Magic
- He usually doesn’t tolerate nonsense, coming from a very stern and serious Slytherin-typical family, but for some reason has a soft spot for Dongwoo and is always seen with him ever since they met in their second year. No one quite knows if they’re just really good friends or a couple.

Jang Dongwoo: Hufflepuff - Sixth Year
- Pure Blood
- Prefect
- Exceptional in Care of Magical Creatures
- Bubbly and happy and basically human sunshine. He’s an older brother figure to all the little Hufflepuffs even though he often acts younger/less mature than most of them. He’s so ridiculous and his thoughts are often so complex that he is sometimes regarded as an idiot, but Sunggyu calls him a genius. Again, no one is really sure about their relationship.

Nam Woohyun: Slytherin - Fifth Year
- Pure Blood
- Chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch Team
- Exceptional in Defense Against the Dark Arts
- A snarky, sarcastic little shit that you just can’t help but love. He’s been best friends with Lee Sungyeol since they met on Platform 9 ¾ before their very first year at Hogwarts when his pet cat, Jikjik, jumped on top of Sungyeol’s owl’s cage. He’s that kid that always manages to talk his way out of trouble or into getting what he wants.

Lee Howon: Gryffindor - Fifth Year
- Half Blood
- Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team
- Exceptional in Defense Against the Dark Arts
- If Woohyun is a little shit, Howon’s a huge shit. He’s the only person that can outwit and out snark Woohyun, making him Woohyun’s arch nemesis on and off the Quidditch pitch. The two have been at each other ever since they first played each other during their third year, a close game that Gryffindor won. He’s exceptionally proud and strives to be the best in everything that he does, which can be considered both his strengths and his faults.

Lee Sungyeol: Ravenclaw - Fifth Year
- Half Blood
- Exceptional in Charms
- Dim for someone so bright. What he excels in book smarts and studies, he lacks in common sense and tact. He’s fidgety and jumpy and worries about everything under the sun. Even though he fits the Ravenclaw profile to the T, he gravitates towards people from other houses, rarely having any close relationships with his housemates. He’s best friends with Woohyun, great friends with Dongwoo and Sunggyu, and has a hopeless crush on Myungsoo (he’s just having trouble dealing with it).

Kim Myungsoo: Hufflepuff - Fourth Year
- Muggle Born
- Exceptional in Potions (takes Advanced Potions with fifth years)
- Quiet, shy, and awkward and often oblivious to the attention he receives from his peers. He doesn’t make friends easily, only truly feeling comfortable around Sungjong, Howon, and his housemates. He excels in many different areas of study in addition to Potions, such as Muggle Studies and Transfiguration, making him exceedingly bright. The Sorting Hat gave him the option between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff during his sorting ceremony and he opted for the latter when he looked across the sea of students and spotted Dongwoo smiling warmly at him.

Lee Sungjong: Gryffindor - Fourth Year
- Half Blood
- Beater on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team
- Exceptional in Herbology
- Although he appears sweet and fragile as a flower, he’ll beat anyone down that messes with him and his friends. He’s especially protective of Myungsoo, punching out a few older students who were picking on the Hufflepuff for being Muggle Born during their first year. After receiving detention, McGonagall suggested he go out for the Quidditch team to release his aggression. There, he met Howon and the two of them, along with Myungsoo, had been inseparable ever since.

hp!au, infinite

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