I have no idea where Steve is, he hasn't shown up for work, so I can't ask him what to do with this one thing he left in my inbox. There are conflicting instructions and even though it says things are saved in the client folder... they aren't there. Oh well.
I've renovated slightly and now my house has a library and a swimming pool, haha. The other day Clinton and I were playing and we managed to get both of us up to max health and mana. I collected any other heart crystals we found to give to Janna.
Clinton was mentioning that at some point, any of our worlds may get the goblin army event now since we fit the requirements. Oh yeah, that would be neat, blah blah... I get back to my world to work on my garden and suddenly, "A goblin army is approaching from the west!" OMG WHAT. Logging in and out can make the Eye event go away so I tried that... but it didn't go away. D: So I had to put my gardening on hold until tonight when I can get other people to help me fight. The wiki says there's a 1/15 chance of it happening. :/ Some people go for years "in-game" without having it happen.
On Saturday, went with Mike, Clinton and Steve (not work Steve, a different Steve) to see "Cowboys & Aliens", haha. It... was better than I expected. Though the trailer totally spoiled a part of the movie. It ended up being the most WTF moment of the entire thing and that's saying a lot.
After that, I went home and out with my parents to see the fireworks. They were okay. I've seen better. The guy standing beside me on the bridge asked me to turn my music down (I was streaming 104.3 from my phone) so I had to tell him it was the music for the fireworks. He apologized and said he thought it'd be something more symphonic. lol
Anyway, almost home time. I added to this post in-between work stuff. XD