
Sep 03, 2005 13:40

My hair is now really short again. Hooray! Pics as soon as I get a chance.

Tonight Matt and I are going to see "Body Works" at the Museum of Science and Industry. Should be fun seeing as how we're going at like 1 am. After that, we're grabbing some breakfast. Fun, fun times

Next week, my work will be closed for 4 days so that they can clean and install the Static Ball. Yay, 2 days off of work! Also, I start school next Tuesday. Here's a list of my classes....

9:30-10:50 - Composition
11:00-1:45 - Theatre Prduction, Design, and Management
3:00-4:20 - Appreciation of Photography
5:45-8:35 - Women's Literature

All the same stuff except no Literature class.

Monday, Wedsnesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I work. Busy, busy bee.

Since I don't have class or work on Friday, I want to go out for cocktails on Thursday. Anyone in? Let me know....

Monday, Sept. 19th there's another outing to the Sox game. It's half-price Monday so tickets will be really cheap. They're playing the Indians. Come out for beers, a good game of baseball, and mayhem. Leave a comment or e-mail me if you'd like to go.

Time to go to work. Blah.

wilco - via chicago

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