Happy Birthday to Me!

Nov 26, 2003 08:16

I've moved home for the week (holidays) and celebrated my birthday last Sunday (the 23rd). I am now a whopping twenty years old. Somedays I feel like I have hundreds of years of experience packed into this body, makes me think why some people grow at different paces than others. I account a lot of development to my environment, maybe I should give it more credit. Upbringings have a huge affect on your life whether you acknowledge it or not. I was over at my girlfriend's home today and watched her brother act hilariously funny with his personality and style. Then Amanda's parents came home and I watched her father act exactly the same way. I am strikingly similar to my father accept I'm as passionate as my mother is to her teaching.

I have also been getting the feeling I need to write more about my experiences, I really do like to share them with others but it's difficult for me to focus on one task. I really want to write a book about my life so my insights could perhaps help other people or lead them in a new way. I am the culmination of many great personalities and characteristics my family members have and as a whole am satisfied with my existence. I view this world as inherently good and will never put it past a person or group of individuals to succeed in life. We are all victims of circumstances; however, we do not have to live in the world we are given. Human beings have the ability to change their world to something they enjoy or at least can sustain a living in. Unfortunately, a lot of people are told they are failures and setup for disappointment when such minor things as grade reports come in. I saw students in high school and at Chico State frantically studying for exams, if they fail on these exams this somehow makes them feel less of a person and not as intelligent as others. This has been drilled into our society since our first day of school and is not a good thing. Classifying individuals has never been good.

One of the things that pains me most are people who do not care about their life or the world they live in. As long as they can live their lives, they do not care what is going on around them. Maybe their actions may not change a thing about our existence, but I know that is not true. Everything has a beginning and an end, every new moment in life is caused by the actions of another.

Just a few nights ago I was driving home from a local coffee house called True Love and a driver on the highway drifted into my lane and caused me to spin out across five lanes of traffic rotating about 540 degrees. If this individual had bothered to look, he or she would have noticed my car next to him and I would not have been put in such grave danger. I cannot believe I drove home from a spinout across a highway in a major city like Sacramento. I have never denied the existence of a higher power and believe to this day that our existence is the result of a greater entity. Moments in my life where I have been put in grave danger or where I feel like I am alone have always been bufferred by momentous occasions such as meeting my wonderful girlfriend, Amanda or seeing my cousins have two beautiful children. I use the term lucky every once in awhile but I don't really believe in luck... as I mentioned before "we are all a victim of circumstances." There are many religious beliefs out there and they all mention similar values. These values have been written over the years to help guide us in our lives and show those who perhaps cannot fathom the concept of a greater being how we should live with each other. I love this world and would not exchange it for another, a lot of decisions being made recently disturb me, but I have faith in my country because I know there are individuals like myself (Paul Harvey for example) who have a much stronger voice at this moment.

I carry a lot of information and share it freely with others in the hopes that my words start a chain reaction that betters everyone's lives.

Goodnight everyone.
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