Just Another Day... in the life of Brent

Jun 10, 2005 01:36

tonight I went to palcevision to see the pistons get there asses kicked. DAMMIT!! It sucked. Finally tonight I saw melissa with no fights. I dunno why we have to fight. Her and I being firends means the world to me. And when she says to not come back, that hurts. When I am lost and I am in pain, she comes around! That's what I like about her. I don't care how much money she has or I have or whatever, she is just a good friend. Sometimes I do saw stuff that appears to be mean, but I don't usually mean it to be like that. And to say she hates me, that hurts like hell! I can't even describe it. It just sux. I just want me and her to hang out and have fun instead of "nag nag nag". I want to things to be the way they were before money was involved. everything was cool. I also finally saw Amanda last night. That was cool. She is about to graduate on saturday. Cool. Everything else is going ok. This radio stuff is working out good. I like it. It's fun. There is a lot of outside work, so I will probably be all nice and tan by the end of the summer. I need some color! I get drive the vans around. It's fun stuff. Anyways, off to bed now.
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