caerbannog has inadvertently inspired me with a ripping good idea for a new picfic. It will take some time to assemble the dramatis personae, but that will give me space to work up a passable script. Meanwhile, I will share my concept with you, Gentle Readers, and see what thoughts the public have upon the subject.
We proceed, then--
A Mythosidhe Studios Production
In association with CPT Films Ltd.
Jane Austen: Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
The True Story of why History's most famous Romance Novelist remained a Spinster till the end of her Days
(An Ongoing Serial)
Action!Jane Austen
With appearances by:
Action!Oscar Wilde
Action!Edgar Allan Poe
...and Many More!
Well, what say you, audience? Shall I proceed with the production? Naturally, Action!Casanova was easily swayed by my pitch, and is flying in from Venice as we speak; but the rest of the principles have yet to be convinced that an appearance in such a picture would be beneficial to their respective careers. Let's hear what their fans have to say!