Gunning Down Romance

Feb 08, 2011 00:01

"Love and other moments are just chemical reactions in your brain,
In your brain.
And feelings of aggression are the absence of the love drug in
Your veins, in your veins..."

Love unrequited is a bitch.

To love someone and know that they don't love you in back is Purgatory - You're trapped in a stasis until you're found by someone who can lift you out of that void.

To love someone who doesn't love you while convincing yourself that one day they could grow to love you in return is Hell - You allow yourself to be used and abused in the name of an ideal you'll never achieve, and the only one to suffer is you.

For all those reasons listed above, combined with the fact of who, exactly, I am, I feel the need to make it clear that unless something incredible happens I am not interested in a relationship. With anyone. They're just not my thing, never have been, and nothing short of a miracle will change that. I make no apologies for this, since that would mean apologizing for my existence and that's downright ridiculous.

nimue, anteros, hector, elaine of corbenic, galahad, mordred, hedone, eros, aphrodite

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