In which I slept:

Jun 26, 2018 12:46

I am finally back from camping and thought I'd leave a little summary of what I did each day:

Friday: Kiera got out of school around noon, it was a half day and her last day of Kindergarten - she's on summer vacation until Mid-August and she starts 1st grade ! She is growing up so fast, I can't even handle it. She had her 6 year check-up that afternoon and that went really well - I mentioned to the doctor that my husband quit smoking on new years and hasn't had one since and he said "tell your husband I am proud of him." I appreciate the sentiment but I don't really think Daniel would care about his opinion all that much. When Daniel told me on New Years that he was ready to quit I knew he'd be able to - other times he wanted to but never did he say he was ready. He's done so well <3 Then we grabbed a few things from the store and headed up to camp - we had chicken on the grill for dinner and played some games with the kids before putting them to bed. A few friends stopped by for a  couple of drinks and a fire and we went to bed as soon as they left.

Saturday: I woke up early and did some tidying up of the campsite before I decided that I was going to go back to sleep. I curled up and Dan started to wake up and he hung out with the kids and made some coffee. I think that is the first time in over three years I've slept past 7:30 AM. I dreamt hard - so I know I needed it. Then Kiera and I curled up in our camp chairs with a snack and our books, she was reading Biscuit the Puppy and I read American Gods by Neil Gaiman. We did some walking/hiking afterwards. It rained from about 4-9pm. At the beginning we danced in the rain and played but when it started pouring we stayed under the canopy and tent to keep dry. The kids went to bed a little early but they were tired from playing all day and due to the rain we couldn't have a fire anyways.

Sunday: We had to leave by 11 - so a lot of the morning was spent cleaning and packing up the site. That didn't stop us from taking a quick swim. Logan doesn't really like the water - it makes him nervous - but Kiera is at lot like me and she lives for swimming and loves the water. On our way home we stopped and picked up some groceries and came home and did some housework.

All in all, it was a good - relaxing weekend. I usually like my vacations/getaways to be a little more action packed but I think after the year we had a little downtime and solace was much needed - we will do it again soon.

OH! I finally am in the Double Digits for my Disney countdown: 95 days to go, and I'll be in WDW - I miss Florida so much. <3 Also, Matt will be here on Saturday - he's flying up from Tennessee. We are going to do Old Orchard Beach, Canobie Lake Park, and a ton of other things.

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