In which I've become jaded:

Jun 21, 2018 10:21

All the meditation and yoga in the world can't fix this. I've tried. It's strange, the last few days - weeks maybe, I've felt like I am just going through the motions of each day and I feel like a stranger in my own body.

I've awoken every morning, a bit shaky and anxious for what the day will hold and spent every night tossing and turning. I've allowed panic attacks to become my normal and I can't live like this anymore.

We are going camping tomorrow night, for the weekend. I was looking forward to taking off as soon as Dan got home from work but I forgot Kiera has a doctors appointment and Dan has stuff he has to do in town.

I know the only way to reconnect, is to disconnect so I'll have my phone off this weekend. Just my family, my books, and nature.

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