First and foremost,
scoobysnacksfix has posted the third and final chapter of her Jared/Jensen rps “You Never Know”. It’s brilliant of course, ‘cause Becky wrote it and she’s just awesome!!!!!! You can find it
HERE In case you haven’t read the first two chapters, you can find part 1
HERE and part 2
HERE. Clickety click and enjoy!!
I’m also going to link to a post in
spn_themes, which I thought was really good. It’s spn fic recs, but the fics are done in very different ways to the norm (I think they’re called visual or image fics) anyway, I liked them.…..
GO HERE Another j2 fic I enjoyed was “No sleep till bedtime” by
veronamay, which you can find
HERE Now for a few spn song vids….
Wincest - "Who’s sorry now" by Izzerial - angst, really good - "My Salvation" by OliviaKitsune - "Lie with me" by ElloKitty13 - "Killing lights" by BonkuraEllie
General - "Road so far" by mnallison02 - "Somebody help me" by mnallison02 - "Take me or leave me" by pbfate - don’t be put off by the song
Most of the song vids are oldish ones that I've been meaning to rec for a while, I haven't sorted through all the new ones yet :D
Omg, I’ve read so much good fic lately that I have a lot more I want to rec, I think I will put up some more recs soon, and when I figure out how to put up one of those special little link thingies (don’t you love my technical lingo) on my lj, I want to put all my recs in one.
I'm going crazy waiting for the new episode of SPN to get uploaded!!!
To all my QAF friends, I know that I have been neglecting our boys a lot lately, but I will be putting up some B/J recs soon.
Finally, I found some pics that I would love made into icons, unfortunately I suck at anything to do with computers, so I was wondering, if I put them in a post in a couple of days, would anyone have a few free moments to make some icons?.....Please!!!!.....
Ok, that's it from me for now.....
Comments are love!!!!