* Have you ever read fan fic that makes you feel a little uncomfortable, but despite the wrongness of it, you cant stop reading, then to your absolute horror, you end up really enjoying it? (Don't worry I'm not talking about anything as bad as what you're probably imagining)......
Anyway, this has happened to me on a couple of instances over the past few days.
* Here is where I put the spoiler warning......It's nothing really in depth but, if you haven't seen the first 7 episodes of Supernatural season 2, you may want to jump to the next star.........
I'm re-watching Supernatural season 2 with Matt at the moment, because he hadn't seen it yet, and i'm forcing him too. hehe
Anyway, the other night we watched "Simon Said" and I have to say, I have unbelievable love for this episode. I think a big part of it is that after so many episodes of moody/angry Dean he's finally back to normal. And so funny in this ep!!!!
Last night we watched "No Exit", and I probably shouldn't say this on here, because I don't want to start anything, I'm not saying that anyone else is wrong about it, but after seeing this episode again, I realized that I quite like Jo! I really disliked her before, but as i told
nixwilliams, I think it was the thought of her as a love interest for Dean that was getting to me, because I'm a pathetic fangirl who doesn't want Dean to have anyone (unless it's Sam! lol). I also really didn't want anymore regular characters, 'cause I like the dynamic between the brothers. But, when it comes down to her character, I really liked her in this episode, she was pretty cool :D
We also watched "The Usual Suspects" last night, which I was amazed to find Matt actually enjoyed (he's not really a fan of the show (although I think he's secretly jealous of my fangirl obsession with Jensen! hehe), and I enjoyed this episode too. Dean's a smart arse in it, which is always cute, and I liked the flashbacks.
* Does anyone know where I can download the UK(?) advertisement for Supernatural, you know, the "Scary just got sexy" one??!!
* This thought came to me when I was trying (without success) to get to sleep about 1am this morning.
Ok, in season 1 of Queer as folk, the morning after Michael's surprise party, when Justin is brushing his teeth, Deb says "you loaned him your toothbrush?", and Brian smirks and says something along the lines of "I have a supply" and Deb goes "of course you do" or something. This suggests that Brian has a supply of toothbrushes because he's such a slut and brings all these guys home. Well that part is true, I mean the slut part, but he's shown to be a complete prick to all his tricks apart from Justin, I just cant imagine him letting anyone hang around long enough to brush their teeth.......????
*I'm still off work with my back, but after spending lots of money at the physio, I think I should be right to go back next week.
*I hate being a girl, my cycle is so unbelievably messed up at the moment, I don't know why, but it's messing with my emotions and my head, and I cant get in to see a gyno 'til next month :(
(I bet you didn't want to know that!!! lol)
* Ok have to go now..........see ya.