Oct 15, 2009 20:39
It's been awhile since my last post! Since then many things have happened.
I haven't posted in so long because my charger went kaput and I had to send my old one in to get a replacement, yatta yatta yatta. But I finally got it back a couple days ago, so YAY!
I spent 5 hours in a wheelchair and it was really eye opening. It was kind of crazy how many things aren't accessible for people in wheelchairs. Also, it's kind of interesting how many people inadvertantly avoid you. They don't want to deal with people in wheelchairs it seems. Unless someone knew that I was doing it for a class, people seems to look/walk the other way. I have yet to write the paper on it, but it was really good experience. I'm glad I had to do it.
I made a friend in im Communications class!! That was the only class I didn't know anyone in, because it was the only class that didn't pertain to my major. :P We decided (nonverbally) to be friends after he wrote "sweet watch" in his notebook and nudged me. It was classy. :P He makes my class much more bearable, plus he's a theater major, so you know he's good people. He thinks I should try out for 'A Christmas Carol', I'm debating. Not like I'd have time...
Had it's moments, but was SO good for the most part. We surprised the crap out of Jordan, it was amazing. Both the nights we were there we hit up like the 5 bars they have in that hodunk little town. But it was a good time. I made him a blanket for his birthday which he seemed to enjoy. :D It's snuggle sized! The only real draw back was the fact that I was lucky enough to meet Jordan's ex... Now I have no idea what this girl has heard about me, but appearantly she knows that I like Jordan/he likes me. And oh man, that didn't go over well. She pretty much ignored me, and blatently so, whenever I would try to have a conversation within the group or make a comment about something, etc. The only thing I can say is that I went into it trying to talk to her, and I believe I went out as the bigger person for not stooping to her level. Oh! Did I mention Kelly and I got to stay with her?! Yeah. They have separated dorms there and we had to stay with someone female...awesome. And she LOVED Kelly, oh of course! Dan reassured me it was just because she was jealous. Which is understandable, I guess. But still, is mega bitch mode needed?! Whatever. The point is Jordan likes me, and not her. Laurel told me I should be glad she's jealous. And I kind of agree, but the way she acted was so unneeded. Overall though the trip was amazing.
I didn't really do anything on my birthday. I worked. The night before Sammie, Dinger, Elyse, Len, CALVIN, and I went out to dinner. But everyone flaked on going out afterwards so Calvin and I went back to my place and watched some of 'Death Race' which I finished the next day with Charlie. So good.
Work has been amazing. The ladies at the house and the kids are totally awesome. They both give me my fair share of headaches at times, but I love my jobs none the less. I'm excited to go home for Thanksgiving assuming it happens. We'll see after my work meeting as to what holidays they want me to work. Bah.