Jul 03, 2004 16:07
Okay so last night was really crappy!! I came home from spending the day with my best friend. we pull in the drive and she was going to drop me off at the gate. well im saying goodbye, standing outside her truck about to close the door, when a convertible with 4 guys in it came up driving real slow. they gave me a look like i was going to die. they went down turned around and came back pulling in behind my friend blocking her in the drive. i jump in her truck and the passenger in the car gets out and tries to open my door. then he started pounding on the glass. i was on the phone with my dad trying to get him to open the gate. well finally the gate started opening and my friend took off and hit the brick post crunching the whole passenger side. then the guy stood there like "whats yalls problem". it was really scary. the cops had to come and everything. but the scary thing is if the doors hadn't been locked i would have been pulled out of that truck and no telling what they would have done. now im scared to leave my house and im terrified of guys. i mean who does that? what were they thinking!