Thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday, via Livejournal post/picspam, LJ profile goodies, email, text, and Facebook. Or if you just thought it to yourself, sent me some good karma, because it's appreciated as well.
I asked my parents to get me new tints for my car, so that (and a Gryffindor reversible jacket from Hot Topic) was their present to me. My sisters both gave me cash which I'm going to use to check out some radios for my car this weekend... I'm hoping an aunt and uncle or two will pitch into the fund, but I know that I'm "old" and probably out of the present loop now. Heh.
Spent most of the day at the zoo with my youngest sister Angie and her daughter Cassie. The baby was a bit cranky/sleepy because she was coming down with a cold, but it was a good - albeit HOT - day. You can check out some photos (mostly of animals I TRIED to identify using the zoo's cool interactive map) below. :)