My sister was playing with her and Cassie started babbling and reaching out to... my polar bear.
We had everyone except the baby-daddy -- which, Angie claims, WAS my birthday present -- over for a dinner for my b-day. Finally got 'Space: Above and Beyond' on DVD and apparently mom confused a young store clerk by asking for "Frou Frou". Melo got me 'Birds of Prey'. For me, the best thing to come out of The Dark Knight's release is I get that TV show on DVD. ♥
No real plans for tomorrow (today). I know I need new sneakers and a new set of black shoes for work, I also need to see if I can find Abby a water bowl she can't A) tip over and B) dig in. Will probably sleep late (9:30AM! Woot!), bake something, and watch lots of TV.
My uncle was going around town with some friends looking for old Miami Vice locations and happened upon filming. I believe this was in June for the episode to take place next week. No spoilers, just, peeps in cars. I don't watch the show, but I thought it was pretty cool he found filming.