Mar 06, 2006 23:59
So after watching this cute movie, and wishing i had the balls to do what this little girl did when i was her age, i think i will start now.
I am done with fake friends, fake people. If you are pissing me off, i am going to tell you. I am putting up with someone talking shit about me any more. I am done listening to people being nice to people and then behind their back talk shit... I am 20 now (an adult) GROW UP....
I admit i do it to and i am going to stop. If you are bugging me i am going to let you know. If you are pissing me off, I am going to let you know. If i feel like you are being fake. I am going to let you know. No more smiles and going behind your back and saying complaining, I am going to handle it once and for all. And if you don't like it then FUCK OFF. It is no longer middle school......... high school......... this is the real world. GROW UP... And i am going to start now.......
I am a mother and i need to be a role model to my child and i am going to start now... I am going to grow up and take care of my own problems and not send my pose to do it for me.... Don't take it personally but if i have a problem with you i am going to let you know. And i want the same respect... If you have a problem with me let me know.
Well i am off... Love you all