Backyard Bird List

May 20, 2008 16:41

Spring migration has started again, and there are many returning visitors. The robins are nesting on the back porch again and the first brood will be gone in a week or so. It seems like they were just hatched. And believe it or not, a new bird to add to the list.

Add: Black-and-white warbler

The list of birds seen (and identified) in my backyard is as follows:

American crow
American goldfinch
American robin
Baltimore oriole
Black-and-white warbler
Black-capped chickadee
Blue jay
Brown-headed cowbird
Common grackle
Dark-eyed junco (aka Snowbird)
Downy woodpecker
Eastern towhee
Gray Catbird
Hairy woodpecker
Indigo bunting
Mourning dove
Northern Cardinal
Pileated woodpecker
Pine siskin
Red-winged blackbird
Rose-breasted grosbeak
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Rusty blackbird
Savannah sparrow
Scarlet tanager
Solitary sandpiper
Tufted titmouse
Warbling vireo
White-breasted nuthatch
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
And I have seen flying overhead (but not landed in my yard) some Canada geese
And also some wild turkeys in a field across the street (but not in my yard)
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