surveys and quizzes

Dec 22, 2005 00:29

just some surveys

do you...
:x: wish you could live somewhere else: no, I am good where I am at right now anyways
:x: think about suicide: no, I do not
:x: believe in online dating: i find the whole thing weird... if you dont get to see the person hows it dating?
:x: think others find you attractive: I dont see why, but yea, they do, cause corey's friends hit on me all the time
:x: want more piercings: I dont have any and want my ears pierced so that would be a yes
:x: like cleaning: sometimes, it all depends on my mood I may actaully tonight
:x: like roller coasters: absolutelty love them the faster the better... well, all but wooden ones they give me a headache
:x: write in cursive or print: its a combination of both
:x: last talked to: my mom
:x: last thought of: corey
:x: last showered: this morning
:x: last cut your nails: i dont remember
:x: last did laundry: today just got done around 10pm tonight
:x: last hugged a tree: i cant remember ever hugging a tree
:x: last watched anime: umm whenever it was that I watched Wendy's kids, but it was only like 10mins cause they werent paying attention to it
:x: last prayed: honestly I cant remember

for or against…
:x: long distant relationships: I cant really see them working to well, but I am sure some people can get them to work
:x: killing people: I really dont see how someone could ever do that
:x: teenage smoking: its up to the individual, personally for me I wont
:x: driving drunk: I dont like it at all
:x: gay/lesbian relationships: not our place to judge on that people should feel free to love how they want
:x: soap operas: boring, pointless, crap

have you…
:x: ever cried over a boy: yea, I have, sad huh?
:x: ever been in a fist fight: nopes, and dont plan too
:x: ever been arrested: luckily nopes
:x: ever had a friend die: yes, I have... quite a few
:x: ever dated a cousin: eww no thats just nasty
:x: ever used a gun: fake guns never a real one
:x: ever frenched kiss: oh yes
:x: ever finished a puzzle: yes, many, but only ones I really like then I glue them and hang them
:x: ever got surgery: yea, when I broke my foot in like 6 places
:x: ever got beat up: nopes
:x: ever hated someone: no, hates a strong word
:x: ever made a huge mistake: oh, hasnt everyone?
:x: ever tried any drugs: no, and I wouldnt
:x: ever jogged a mile: yea, kinda forced too in school
:x: ever played w/ someone’s feelings: no, I dont do that
:x: ever had feelings for someone younger than you: haha yes, both my ex;s and my current BF are all younger hahah

:x: shoes do you wear: almost always wear my black volatiles
:x: are you scared of: losing someone that I love
:x: do you sleep in: tshirt usually
:x: did you eat for lunch: a snadwhich I think
:x: is love: its something that is hard to explain, but when you feel it theres nothing better

:x: of times I have had my heart broken?: once
:x: of hearts I have broken?: I dont think any
:x: of girls I have kissed?: none
:x: of boys I have kissed?: 4
:x: of guys/girls you've rejected?: a few
:x: of drugs you taken: none
:x: of accidents you been in: a few
:x: of people you lean on?: a few
:x: of people you broke up with?: none

do you think you are…
:x: pretty: nopes
:x: funny: eh, people laugh at me lol
:x: hott: nopes
:x: friendly: yes
:x: ugly: no
:x: loveable: yea
:x: caring: yea
:x: dorky: yea
:x: cocky: no
:x: girly: no
:x: boyish: no
:x: smart: sometimes
:x: pimp: no
:x: angel: haha no
:x: gangster: no

:x: FOUR letter word: dont have one
:x: comedian: dont have one
:x: candy: gummi worms, gummy bears, york peppermint patties
:x: cartoon: a lot lol
:x: cereal: basic 4
:x: chewing gum: dont chew gum much... but I guess winterfresh
:x: day of week: depends what is going on
:x: least fave day: same as above
:x: jello flavor: wow havent had jello in so long I dont know... orange?
:x: summer/winter: summer
:x: trampolines or swimming pools: trmapolines

Last person who/that...
:x: slept in your bed: corey and I like every night
:x: saw you cry: corey
:x: made you cry: just me over analyzing things nothing inparticular
:x: you went to the movies with: corey
:x: yelled at you: no one
:x: sent you an email to: some random email

have you ever…
:x: said "i love you" and meant it?: yes, wouldnt say it if I didnt mean it
:x: gone out in public in your pajamas?: yeps
:x: kept a secret from everyone?: dont think so
:x: cried during a movie?: nopes
:x: ever at anytime owned new kids on the block?: yes
:x: planned your week based on the TV Guide?: no
:x: been on stage?: yes
:x: been to New York? yes
:x: been to California?: no
:x: been to Florida?: no
:x: Hawaii?: no
:x: China?: no
:x: Canada?: no
:x: Europe?: no
:x: what time is it now?: 12:48am
:x: apples or bananas?: apples, bananas are actaully really high in calories
:x: blue or red?: red
:x: walmart or target?: walmart only cause there are no targets here lol
:x: spring or fall?: both
:x: what are you gonna do after you finish this?: I do not know yet
:x: what was the last meal you ate?: tomato soup and grilled cheese
:x: are you bored?: yea, cause corey is at work
:x: last noise you heard?: the tv
:x: last smell you sniffed?: cant remember
:x: last time you went out of state/province?: its been so long I dont remember
:x: last car ride: like 2 hours ago taking corey to work

:x: do you believe in love at first sight?: no, I dont... lust yes, but you cant truely love someone till you get to know them
:x: do you want children one day & if so, how many?: I dont really want any
:x: most important thing to you in a friendship is?: trust

random stuff…
:x: criminal record?: nopes
:x: do you speak any other languages?: haha I dont remember any of what I took
:x: name some of your favorite things in your bedroom: I dont know...
:x: piercings and where?: none
:x: worst feeling in the world?: losing someone
:x: whom do you love: Corey. friends, family

:x: nickname(s): Tyrs, Tyr, Ty, TT, Baby Girl, Gourgeous, Beautiful, Cutie, Brat, Bitch (but only when joking)
:x: initials: TRS
:x: how old do you look?: 16-18 is what I hear a lot
:x: how old do you act? depends
:x: glasses/contacts?: none
:x: braces: none
:x: do you have any pets?: yes, 3 doggies
:x: you get embarrassed?: nopes, not really
:x: what upsets you?: not much

:x: best subject- photography
:x: worst subject- english
:x: what do you like most about it- about school? haha I didnt really like anything
:x: whats the name of the school- Hempfield High and Brownstown CTC
:x: whats the school mascot- Knight and I think a bull dog
:x:school colors- red and black and I dont know I think maybe maroon
:x: how long has it been a school- haha I dont know and dont care
:x: are you popular there- haha no I wasnt not at all
:x: are there a lot of hot people- all depends on what you thought hot was I guess
:x: whos your favorite teacher- didnt really have one
:x: least favorite- same as above
:x: what time does the school end and start- haha I dont remember

:x: bought- ice cream
:x: wore- jeans, mxpx t, grey long knit jacket, shoes
:x: ate- ice cream lol
:x: drank- water
:x: smelled- dont remember
:x: touched- the keyboard
:x: saw- the computer screen
:x: watched- corey playing gamecube
:x: yelled at- the doggies
:x: stole- nothing
:x; took a picture of- the doggies
:x: played- dont remember
:x: wrote- a phone number
:x: typed- this answer
:x: read- this survey
:x: made fun of- corey hehe
:x: pissed on- uh nothing
:x: did on the computer- this survey

LoVe LiFe-
:x; you love//like alot: corey
:x: who was your last boyfriend/girlfriend: jon
:x: who was the las boy/girl you kissed: corey
:x: who was the last boy/girl you hugged: corey
:x:how long have you been with your boyfriend/girlfriend: for almost 2 months
:x;how long have you liked this person: for about 2 and half months
:x: what is your best memorie with this person: oh so many

Your World (Part Three): How do you see your world [girls]

Your World (Part Two): Your social world [girls]

Your World (Part One): What is your world made of? [girls]

Name: Tyranni
Age: 23
Location: PA
What do you look like? umm thats me in my icon lol

Name: Corey
Age: 21
Location: PA
What do they look like? 5'10'' short really dark brown almost black hair, brown eyes really long lashes

When did you first meet? at Rivertown on Oct. 16th
How old were you both? 23 and 21
How did you meet them? went to rivertown with my sister to kill time before her bf got off work and corey was there
What were your thoughts when you first met them? he's cute
How did you feel? surprised he was actaully talking to me lol
Why did you feel that way?cause everyone goes for my sister
From the beginning, did you know you would be with them?nopes
Why/Why not? I dont asume anything lol
After meeting them, how did you feel? he made me feel special
Did you enjoy talking to them?yes, I did
Did you always want to kiss them, or grab their hand, and didn't have the courage to do it? kinda, I am not too shy though
If yes, why didn't you just go for it? I am too shy and rather the guy do it
Has their appearance changed at all since you first met?yes, his hair was longer now it is buzzed about 1/4" long
Has their personality? nopes
Would you change anything about the way you met? nopes
What about the things you said or did? nopes

When was your first kiss (if it's happened already)? the second time we met which I think was about a week later
Describe it: we were watching American Psycho and he leaned over and kissed me and it made me all warm and fuzzy
What is your favorite kiss that you have had with them so far? they are all great
Describe it: they send tingels up my spine
When did you first make out (if it's happened already)? haha that second night
Describe it: after that first we just kept kissing and we stayed over at daves (sis's bf) and kissed all night till we fell asleep
When did you first have oral sex (if it's happened already)? oh I dont remember when... about a month or so into the relationship
Describe it: thats kinda too personal lol
When did you first have sex (if it's happened already)? about 2 weeks ago
Describe it: agaian thats kinda personal, but will say its amazing lol
What was the best sex you've had with them? today by far lol... it just keeps gettiung better... well, actaully guess would have been yesterday since its after 12 now
When they touch you, how do you feel? happy in love
What about when you touch them? the same
Is there anything you'd like to try with them? oh there quite a few things
How do you feel when you kiss them? agaian happy in love
How do you feel when you have sex with them? the same as above in heaven...
Is there anything that you've done with them that you regret? nopes
What about them turns you on the most? how much he cares about me and how much he does to make sure I am happy
What do they do that turns you on the most? baisically some as above

Do they have siblings? nopes, only child
If yes, do you like them? n/a
Do you like their parents? have only met his dad and he is ok
Do their parents like you? yeps will his dad does havent met his mom cause she lives in ME
Do your siblings like them (if you have siblings)? yes, they do... he was friends with my sister before I met him and him and my brother get along
Do your parents like them? yes, they do, very much
Do your parents and/or siblings think you two are good for each other? i think so
Do they ever talk about your future together? does my family or does he? I am confused... but corey does
Is it important for your family to like them? some what
Is it important for their family to like you? some what

Do you love them? yes, very much so
How do you know? its just something you feel cant really explain
Do they love you? yes he does
How do you know? you just know
When did you first realize you loved them?when all I wanted was to see him and be with him
Did you spend long, sleepless nights thinking about how you felt about them? nopes, he is almost always in bed with me holding me unless he's working
Did you ever just want to tell them you loved them, but didn't? yea
If yes, why didn't you? it was before he told me he loved me I didnt want to say it in fear it would scare him off, but luckily he told me first
When was the first time you told them? tonight when I dropped him off at work
Would you change anything about it? nopes
Do you regret telling them? nopes
Did you mean it when you told them? yes, I do
Do you still feel that way? this makes is sound like we broke up or something lol... always love him, he's my baby

Can you imagine yourself with them forever? actaully I can
Do you think you'll marry them? I dont know, but actaully I wouldnt be surprised
When was the first time you thought about marrying them? actaully dont remember but remember it was because he asked if we got married and dave and kaleena did then would him and dave in return be related lol
When was the first time you were serious about marrying them? dont know
Would you propose to them? nopes, thats for the guy to do
How would you do it? n/a
Have you thought about this before now? not really
What would you want your wedding to be like? outside
Have you talked about this to them before? not really
Do you agree on how you'd want the wedding to be like? havent talked about it... far off lol
Do you want kids with them? nopes, nothing against him we just dont want kids lol
Do you think you'd be good parents together? yea, we would
Do you think you'd be happy with them forever? I hope so I know he says he plans to spend the rest of life with me and just wants to be with me till the day he dies

Do you think they are your soul mate? maybe, but U guess thats something you never know for sure
Do you think you were destined to be together? same as above
Do you think there is anybody in this universe better for you than them? who knows
Do you think they could be a better boyfriend/girlfriend to you? honestly, yes, but then no one is perfect
Do you think they are the most beautiful person you've ever seen? no, but that doesnt matter he;s my cutie
Do you think they smell good? yes
Do you think they are talented? yes
If so, in what ways? too many lol... you dont want me to share some of those lol
What do you think when you look into their eyes? how much I love him
How often do you think about them? alot
What do you think about? different things
What is your favorite memory with them? have so many
What is the most romantic memory you have with them? walking past him in the kitchen and he takes my hand and starts to slow dance with me and hums in my ear
What memory with them makes you feel happy? a lot of them
...Angry? him getting trashed when he said he wouldnt
...Sad? when he had $250 stolen from him
...Helpless? never felt helpless
...Complete? everytime he holds me
...Loved? everything
...Unworthy? i dont know
What memories do you look forward to making with them? a bunch

What color best describes them? green lol
What is your favorite physical feature of theirs? eyes
Do they meet your needs? yeps
If you could give them any gift, what would you give them? I am not sure
If you could tell them anything right now, what would you tell them?i miss him and love him, but he knows that
If you could promise them anything, what would it be? I am not sure... try not to make promises you never know what may happen
What would you like to be doing with them right now? hahaha :X
What would be your idea of the perfect day together? you know when I am with him doesnt matter what we are doing
What songs remind you of them? Stick With You - Pussycat Dolls
What is your favorite day that you've spent together?almost everyday is
What is your favorite article of clothing that they wear? his white button down shirt... too bad his friends got blood all over it
What about them makes you feel like the luckiest person alive? how much he cares for me
Do you regret anything with them? nopes
How do you feel when you hold them?wonderful, happy
What is your favorite way to hold them? doesnt matter
How do you like them to hold you? when I am in his arms it doesnt matter
Do you write poems for them? no, but then I dont write poetry
Do they write them for you? no,
If you could dedicate any song to them, what would it be? theres are quite a few
If they broke up with you tomorrow, how would you feel? depressed
Have they ever made you cry? yes
Have they ever made you so happy that you cried? yes
Have they ever made you feel so loved that you thought your heart would explode? yes
Is your world complete with them in it? yes
What's your favorite movie that you've seen together? aeon flux
Do you save things from your relationship? yea
If yes, what have you saved so far? movie tickets mainly
Do they make things for you? not yet but we havent been together all that long
How does it make you feel when they do things for you? special
Do you think you make a good couple? yea
Would you give up your relationship for anybody or anything? nopes
What is the most important thing to you about your relationship? the trust and love between us
What makes your relationship work so well? same as above
What makes you think that they're the right one for you? same as above
Are you happier than you've ever been before? yea, I am
Do they know more about you than anybody? almost but no
Do they share secrets with you? yea
What is something you'd like for them to know? he knows
What do you honestly think of them? he's amazing just wishe he'd drink less
What do you honestly think of your relationship? it works and just want to see where things go

About Yourself
1) Name: Tyranni
2) Age: 23
3) Location: PA
4) Birthday: 12-30
5) Height: 5'5''
6) Weight: 125
7) Sex: f
8) Sexual Orientation: straight
9) Single or Taken: taken
10) Eye Color: blue but they change sometimes
11) Hair Color: blonde
12) Skin Color: light
13) Heritage: a mutt lol
14) School/College Attending, if any: none
15) Job, if any: sales associate at Express
16) Label Yourself: nope wont do
17) Nicknames: Tyrs, Tyr, Ty, TT, beautiful, baby girl, gourgeous, bitch (jokingly), cutie
18) Do you like yourself? sometimes

Family Matters
19) What are your parents' names? Amber and John
20) Do you still live with them? yes, I do
21) What do they do for work? customer service and makes boilers
22) Siblings? 2
23) Siblings' names and ages: kaleena, 21 and cody, 16
24) Who is your favorite relative: ny sister
25) Least favorite: one of my uncles
26) How many cousins do you have? too many
27) How many aunts and uncles? too many
28) How many grandparents still alive? 3

You Gotta Have Friends...
29) Name your best friend: wendy
30) Girl friends you're close to: sony, wendy
31) Guy friends you're close to: mark, corey
32) Ever had a crush on a friend? yea
33) Did it ever turn into anything? nopes
34) Do you believe in best friends forever? yea
35) Who is your shoulder to cry on? wendys and coreys
36) Who always listens to you when you rant and rave? wendy and corey and mark
37) Do you have friends at work? ye[s
38) Who was your best friend when you were little? becky
39) What is your outlook on friends with benefits? wouldnt want it just mess things up
40) Can you still be friends with your ex? the one I am
41) Who's your newest friend? some people from work
42) What friends have you lost touch with? a lot
43) Do you ever think about calling them? yea
44) Do you ever drink with friends? yea, sometimes
45) How about smoking or drugs of some kind? I dont do that
46) Which of your friends did you last spend time with? corey but does the bf count? lol
47) ... And what did you do together? haha yea, bet wouldnt be hard to figure that one out
48) Do you really love your friends? yes, I do

All You Need is Love...
49) Who was your first 'crush' when you were young? matt metzler
50) How about your first REAL crush? james yoder
51) When's the last time you spoke to either of those people? very very long time
52) Did you ever have a crush on someone way older than you? nopes
53) Like a teacher? nopes
54) An older sibling's friend? nopes
55) How about someone alot younger? 2 years wouldnt say thats a lot younger though
56) Ever have a crush on the same person as your friend? yes
57) Who got him/her? she did lol
58) How did you feel about it? things happen for a reason
59) Did it last? no
60) Who do you consider to be your first love? jon, even though after feeling what I do for corey I aint sure I was in love with jon, but he was the first I thought I was
61) How long did you date that person? 4 months
62) His/her name: Jon
63) When did this happen? May-Sept
64) Was it true love or just puppy love? I am thinking just puppy love though at the time I would have argued
65) Do you believe in soulmates? i dont know
66) How many significant others have you had? 2
67) What was your longest relationship? 4 months
68) Who was it with? Jon
69) How old are they now? 22
70) Why did you break up? honestly I dont know even though have a feeling he had feelings for someone else
71) How about your shortest relationship? 1 week
72) Who was it with? bob
73) How old are they now? i dont remember haha, pretty much tried and black them
74) Why did you break up? cause he had 2 other girls
75) Who really loved you? Jon and Corey
76) Who did you really love? Corey, even though at the time I thought I loved Jon
77) Try to explain love: not even going to try
78) What's your favorite love song? i have a lot
79) Who do you want to be with right now? corey
80) Your celebrity crush: none
81) Ever been with someone your parents loved? they love corey
82) Or someone they hated? they hated Jon
83) Ever liked a relative: eww no
84) Ever been really in love? yes, I am now
85) Do you like being in love? yes
86) Sometimes love just hurts, doesn't it? yes
87) Who's your true love? Corey

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby
88) Sexual Orientation: straight
89) How many girls have you dated? none
90) How many guys have you dated? 4
91) Did you ever question your sexuality? no
92) Do you know the bases? yes
93) If so, what's your version: i dont feel like typing it out
94) Are you a virgin? no
95) If not, what base have you been to? home lol
96) Ever had sex w/ a guy? yes
97) Do you want to? already have
98) Ever had sex w/ a girl? no
99) Do you want to? no
100) Do you have friends who are gay? yes
101) Bisexual? yes
102) Lesbians? yes
103) Straight? yes
104) Questioning their sexuality? yes
105) Ever had sex in a theater? not yet
106) How about a bathroom? nopes not yet
107) In the shower? not yet
108) In a bed? yes
109) In a car? not yet
110) In a MOVING car? nopes
111) How about oral sex? yes
112) In a movie theater? not yet
113) In the bathroom? not yet
114) In a car? not yet
115) ... a MOVING car? nopes
116) With him/her pushed up against a wall? not yet
117) Do you like giving oral? yes, cause he enjoys it so much
118) Or receiving it? oh yes like that too
119) Ever done 69? yes, a few times only with corey
120) How about anal? never have
121) Threesome - with a girl or guy? dont want too
122) An orgy? dont want too
123) What do you like about girls, physically? not into firls
124) What do you like about guys, physically? eyes
125) Is sex better when you're in love? yes, I would think so anways
126) ... Or when there are no strings attached? wouldnt know
127) How many people have you kissed? 5
128) How many people have you done stuff with? 3
129) How many people have you had sex with? 2
130) Are you kinky? Have you ever been called kinky? i bet I could be lol
131) Are you dominant, submissive, or a switch? switch
132) Have you ever had phone sex? nopes
133) How about cyber sex? nopes
134) Have you ever lied to get sex?
135) Ever had sex with a married man or woman? nopes, and wouldnt
136) Ever had sex on top of the kitchen table? nopes
137) Lights on or off? either or
138) Making love, having sex, or fucking? depends on the mood lol
139) Is it a penis, a dick, or a cock? haha whatever
140) Is it a vagina, a pussy, or a cunt? whatever
141) How many times a week would you like to have sex, ideally? doesnt matter lol... depends on mood... usually its like once a day to every other
142) So do you like to have fun with the fruits n veggies? no, doesnt sound good
143) How about whipped cream or chocolate syrup? havent tried yet... whipped cream maybe chocolate seems too messy
144) Do you like the taste of cum? eh, its fine I guess lol!
145) Do you like your own juices? I dont know... he's (corey) kissed me after already never really taked anything though
146) Do you moan, scream, etc? all the above haha
147) Do you masturbate? nopes
148) Special techniques: crud I dont know what it is he does, but damn lol
149) Do you like S&M? not excatly sure what all that pertains too so cant say
150) Would you like it if a girl masturbated for you? no
151) How about if a guy jerked off in front of you? jon did once... you get more if an idea what they like I guess... Corey actaully doesnt do that surprisingly
152) What about two people having sex in front of you? nopes
153) Do you watch porn? havent yet
154) Do you read sex stories? nopes
155) Would you ever make porn? no
156) ... And then watch it? no
157) ... And get off to yourself in a porn movie? no
158) Do you get off to porn and sex stories? no
159) Is there anything you don't want to try? yea
160) What is your favorite sex position? not sure gotta try more lol
161) Girls, do you have sex during your period, and guys, do you care about blood? no, I dont sorry that digust me
162) Ever been or gotten someone pregnant? nopes
163) Does sex really make the world go 'round? in a way guess it does cause without it there souldnt be anymore life
164) Any weird likes, dislikes, or fetishes you have: dont think so
165) Have you ever been raped? nopes
166) Have you ever had sex while drunk? nopes, never been drunk
167) Or high? same as above
168) Have you ever been paid for sex? nopes
169) Have you ever paid someone for sex? nopes
170) Ever had sex at work? nopes
171) ... While on the clock? nopes
172) Who was your last sex partner? corey
173) Are/were they good in bed? oh my god yes
174) Do you think you are good in bed? I have been told many times by corey that I am hehe
175) Have you ever had sex with a virgin? nopes

This or That
176) TV or radio: tv
177) PC or Mac: mac
178) Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
179) White or Black: depends
180) Yes or No: depends
181) Plane or Train: train
182) Car or Truck: car
183) Movie: Seven or Thirteen: never seen seven so cant say
184) 7 or 13: 13
185) Boston or New York City: never been to boston
186) Puppies or Kitties: puppues
187) Mario Brothers or Legend of Zelda: msrio
188) Nintendo, Sony, Segam XBox, etc: nintendo
189) Cellar or Basement: basement
190) North or South: depends
191) East or West: depends
192) Spain or France: france
193) Made in China or Made in Japan: who cares
194) California or Florida: never been to either
195) Beer or Wine: wine hate beer
196) Bud, Miller, or something else: hste beer
197) 18 or 21: 21
198) Kids or no kids: doesnt mstter
199) Boys or Girls: for friends either
200) Love or Sex: both
201) Friends or Family: both
202) You or Me: this one doesnt make sense
203) Poetry or Short Stories: poetry
204) English or Math: math
205) City or Country: country
206) Day or Night: depends
207) Pink or Purple: purple
208) Rain or Shine: dpends
209) All or None: depends
210) Poker or Rummy: poker, never played rummy
211) Yea or Nay: yay
212) Football or Baseball: neither
213) Blue Ink or Black Ink: doesnt matter
214) Hearts or Stars: stars
215) Movies or Music: both
216) ADD or ADHD: i dont know
217) Diet or Regular: diet
218) Hot Coffee or Iced Coffee: hot
219) Donut, Muffin, or Bagel: muffin
220) Grape or Strawberry Jam: either
221) Lemon or Lime: depends
222) Apples or Oranges: both
223) Nose Ring or Belly Button Ring: belly
224) Piercings or Tattoos: both
225) Glasses or Contacts: neither
226) Hobbies or Sports: hobbies
227) Reading or Writing: reading
228) Green or Red: red
229) January or July: july
230) Work or Play: play
231) Skirt or Dress: skirt
232) Corvette or Mustang: depends
233) Cop or Policeman: cop
234) Sex or Sleep: depends but mostly sex lol
235) Male Teachers or Female Teachers: depends on teacing ability not gender

236) Your musical genre of choice: all kinds
237) Favorite solo artists: majandra
238) Favorite bands: HIM
239) Music Genre you never listen to and never will: country
240) Favorite song at the moment: Stick With Yoy
241) Best song by your favorite band: Dark Light
242) Do you like to dance? sometimes
243) What kind of songs do you like to dance to? something with a beat
244) Do you ever go clubbing? nopes
245) Are you even old enough? yes
246) Do you sing? for fun
247) Have you ever been in a chorus? yes
248) How about school band? yes
249) Or a music club at school? no
250) Have you ever been in a band? nopes
251) What was it called, or what would you call your band? What kind of music did/would you play? n/a
252) Have you ever played any musical instruments? yes
253) What musical artists do you detest? a lot
254) Do you live for music? no
255) Do you own any records or 8 tracks? nopes
256) How about cassette tapes? not anymore
257) Number of CDs you own: too many
258) How many are burned CDs? too many
259) Do you burn your own CDs? yes
260) Do you have any tapes/DVDs of concerts? nopes, wait thats not right yea, I do lol
261) Who was your favorite band/artist when you were a kid? new kids on the block
262) How many concerts have you been to? 1
263) What bands have you seen live? a lot
264) Do you support local bands? used too
265) Do any of your friends have a band? yes
266) Promo Time! Advertise for a band here: no
267) What do you think of American Idol? watch funny try outs thats it
268) What do you think of Kelly Clarkson and Clay Aiken? Kelly is awesome clays voiuce is good music sucks
269) Country: love it or hate it? hate it
270) What would you name your band if you had one of your own? I dont know

Movies, Movies, Movies
271) What is your favorite movie? labyrinth
272) How many movies do you own? 130 or something like that
273) Do you like to rent movies? no, rather buy
274) How much does it cost for a ticket at the local movie theater? between $7-$8.50
275) Have you ever been to a drive-in movie? yes
276) What was the last movie you saw in the theater? Aeon Flux
277) What was the last movie you saw at home? Dare Devil
278) What is your favorite movie genre? thriller
279) Do you like movies in general? yes
280) How do you feel about sequels? suck
281) What movies did you see and hate? too many
282) Who is your favorite actor? Robin Williams
283) Favorite Actress: dunno
284) Favorite writer or producer: tim burton
285) Do you like the James Bond movies? never cared to see them
286) How about Back to the Future? same as above
287) Star Wars? they are ok
288) Indiana Jones? never cared to see them
289) Lord of the Rings? awesome
290) Is the book better or the movie? books by far
291) What was your favorite movie when you were little? labyrinth
292) What movies are you looking forward to? a lot

TV Shows
293) What is your current favorite TV show(s)? dont watch tv much anymore
294) Do you watch it/them religiously? nopes
295) How many average hours per day do you spend watching TV? not many maybe 5
296) What channel do you get your news from? i dont watch the news
297) Are you a couch potato? nopes
298) What old TV shows do you miss? a lot tv was better then
299) Do you buy boxed sets of Seasons of TV shows you like? yes
300) Do you remember the shows you liked from when you were a kid? yes
301) Do you like reality shows? nopes
302) How about game shows? yes
303) Have you ever watched the Spanish Channel? nopes
304) Have you ever seen a movie/tv show in a language that you didn't understand? yes
305) Do you have cable/satellite? nopes
306) Did you buy a plasma TV yet? nopes
307) is there a TV in your room? yes
308) What TV show do you avoid watching at all costs? a lot lol

309) Do you play videogames? yes
310) What systems have you played on? almost all of them
311) What systems do you own? gamecube, GBA
312) What are your all time favorite games? adventure
313) What series do you like? harry potter
314) Who are your favorite videogame characters? dont have any
315) Do you like RPGs or fighting games? RPGs
316) Would you rather play alone or with others? deoends
317) Do you play with people online? nopes
318) Are you a true gamer? nah
319) How many games do you own? i have no clue
320) Do you like first-person shooters? nopes
321) Do you prefer old games or new games? old

Your ComputerBox Needs Words
322) Do you own a computer? yes
323) What kind of computer do you use? windows
324) What operating system (OS) are you running on the computer? XP
325) You use the internet, huh? uh, yea
326) How much do you know about your computer? enough
327) What virus protection(s) do you use? depends which comp
328) Do you play computer games? yes
329) What kind of computer do you remember using as a kid? apple
330) Do you ever win at solitare? yes
331) Do you play card games online? nopes
332) Do you have an online journal? yes
333) How about a myspace account? yes
334) Do you post pictures of yourself and friends online? yes
335) Do you have a website? yes
336) Do you chat online? yes
337) What messaging system(s) do you use? AIM and Yahoo
338) How much time do you spend on the computer per day? too many
339) Do you think you'll ever get carpel tunnel syndrome? tonight maybe lol
340) Ever mess around in MS-DOS? nopes
341) Do you download music for free? yes
342) Or do you pay for it? nopes
343) Do you have a CD burner? yes
344) Or a DVD burner? nopes
345) Ever downloaded movies? nopes
346) Do you do research online? yes
347) Do you shop online? yes
348) Do you have an email address? yes
349) Has your computer ever made you very angry? yes
350) Do you have a desktop or a laptop computer? desktop
351) Have you ever visited no
352) Do you do surveys or quizzes online? uh. yea
353) Do you download any porn? nopes
354) What is your homepage set to? dont have one on aol

Pahk your cah in Havad Yahd
355) Ooops, I've been to Boston, you mind? stupid question
356) So, what's your dream car? tpyota prius
357) Do you have a car? yes
358) Gow long have you been driving? 2-3 years
359) What's your favorite color on a car? depends on kind of car
360) Do you like trucks? no
361) Do you know alot about cars? no
362) Do you have relatives in the auto business? no
363) How much is your car insurance? doesnt matter
364) What do your parents drive? intrepid and I forget
365) Have you ever been in a car accident? yes
366) Ever driven on ice? yes
367) Or when it's pouring out? yes
368) How bad do you speed? bad on the highway
369) Ever been pulled over? yes, once
370) On the highway? nopes
371) Less than a mile from your house? nopes
372) Over 100 miles from home? nopes
373) Ever been given a speeding ticket? nopes
374) Have you ever totalled a car? nopes
375) What's the prettiest car you've ever seen? dunno
376) Do you/ Would you ever own a motorcycle? yea, want one
377) What kind do you have/ Would you get if you could? harley
378) What letter license(s) do you have, if any? I dont know

About Your Crush or Significant Other
379) Their name: Corey
380) Age:21
381) Current Location: PA
382) Birthday: 12-27
383) Height: 5'10''
384) Weight: 140 i think he said lol
385) Sex: m
386) Sexual Orientation: straight
387) Political Affiliation, if any: none
388) Eye Color: brown
389) Hair Color: brown
390) Heritage: mixed
391) Parents' Names: Paul and I forget his mom's name
392) Siblings: only child
393) School/College Attending: none
394) Job, if any: Turkey Hill
395) Label: none
396) Nicknames: Core
397) Pet names: sweetie, hun
398) What do you like best about him/her? how much he cares about me
399) Closest Friend: Dave
400) Favorite Color: Green

401) What was/is your favorite subject in school? photography
402) Favorite teacher(s): I had a few
403) Do you miss elementary school? nopes
404) What year of school was your favorite? 12th
405) Public or Private School: public
406) What were/are your high school colors? red and black
407) Your Mascot: black knight
408) Best Sport: football
409) Sports You Didn't/Don't Have: gumnastics
410) Have you been/Are you going to college: nopes
411) What is/was your worst subject: english
412) What is/was your GPA: I dont know
413) What was the last grade you completed? 12th
414) You were/are the class of... 2000
415) Do you like/miss high school? nopes
416) Who did you hang with? a lot of people
417) What is/was your label: didnt have one
418) Were/are people cliquey at your high school? yes, very much so
419) Did/Do you participate in sports? nopes
420) How about clubs? yea
421) Student Council? nopes
422) Have you ever been a class officer? nopes
423) Did/Do you take school seriously? semi
424) Did your parents have to make you study and do homework? nopes
425) Did/Do you have good study habits? somewhat

Do You Know...
426) Your blood type? i dont know
427) What your name means? not sure
428) Your grandmother's first name? carolyn
429) What the meaning of life is? live love be happy
430) How to read musical notes? a little
431) More than one language? no
432) Why your parents named you what they did? wanted something different
433) Where your dad's family comes from? not sure
434) Or your mom's? same
435) The answer to number seven? not looking all the way back there
436) Why the SATs are so lengthy and boring? did not take them
437) Your significant other/crush's blood type? i dont know
438) About your crush/significant other's ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends? some of them
439) Anyone's phone number by heart? some
440) The name of your soulmate? right now its corey lol :)
441) The Muffin Man? yes
442) The price of a gallon of milk? nopes
443) Or a gallon of gas? 2.25
444) How many years the 100 years war lasted? no, cause it was not 100
445) The name of one of your senators? nopes
446) Who the President of the United States is today? yea :-P
447) Why people make fun of the Polish? i dont know
448) Where sugar comes from? nopes

Word Association!
449) Blue: green
450) Light: dark
451) Star: shine
452) Tissue: paper
453) Five: high
454) Bathroom: toilet
455) Paper: clip
456) Cap: ball
457) Link: hyper
458) Forty: two
459) None: zero
460) Coffee: tea
461) High: mighty
462) Money: green
463) Hair: shiny
464) Puzzle: board
465) More: all
466) Leg: knee
467) Eye: pupil
468) Napkin: towel
469) Fire: water
470) Pink: purple
471) Clock: rock
472) June: july
473) Phone: number
474) Round: two
475) Nail: gun
476) Flower: petal
477) Boy: girl
478) Banana: peel
479) Book: page
480) Salt: pepper
481) Purple: pink
482) Tile: panal
483) Roll: rock
484) Chocolate: cake
485) Green: blue
486) Medicine: ball
487) Breath: mint
488) Fountain: watet
489) Ice: tea
490) Boston: cream
491) Eagle: fly
492) USA: red
493) Key: heart
494) Tire: wire
495) Water: wet
496) Fight: might
497) Invisible: gone
498) Time: minute
499) Math: number
500) Moon: sun

Bold the Facts - What's True About You?
501) My eyes are green.
502) I call myself short.
503) I like who I am becoming.
504) My name starts with J.
505) My dad is over 40.
506) I am wearing black pants.
507) I am going to college.
508) Rock is my favorite musical genre.
509) I like black ink better than blue ink.
510) My favorite color is silver.
511) I believe in God.
512) I like the cold.
513) Reading is my favorite pasttime.
514) I like baseball.
515) I used to play soccer when I was little.
516) My favorite car is older than me.
517) I watch anime cartoons and like them.
518) I have more than two siblings.
519) My mother's name begins with E.
520) I am Irish.
521) I believe in fate.
522) I love talking on the phone.
523) Vacations are fun.
524) I can cook better than most people.
525) I love myself more than I love anyone else. I always come first.

Reading & Writing
526) Do you like to read? yes
527) What kinds of books do you like? mystry murder. manga, fantasy
528) What kinds of things do you normally read? same as above
529) Do you have to read certain books for school? nopes
530) Do you read for your own enjoyment? yes
531) Do you have any magazine subscriptions? nopes
532) How often do you read a newspaper? nopes
533) Ever considered Journalism as a possible career for yourself? nopes
534) Do you like to write? nopes
535) What kinds of things do you write? nothing
536) Do you keep a diary or journal? yea
537) Have you written any poetry? yea
538) Or short stories? no
539) Or Fan Fiction? no
540) Do you want to publish anything you have written so far? no
541) Have you made a serious attempt to publish any of your work? no
542) Are reading and writing your hobbies? no
543) Which do you enjoy more and why? reading, cause I dont like to write
544) When do you like to read? when I am by myself
545) When do you like to write? dont
546) Do you write better when you are depressed? yea
547) Have you ever experienced writer's block? yes
548) Or gotten a headache from thinking too much? no
549) What is your favorite work or literature? dunno
550) Do you believe that writing is an art? yes

551) What political label do you give yourself? dont care
552) Are you 18, can you vote? yes
553) Are you registered and as what? yes green but dont like it
554) Do you care about town and other local elections? nopes
555) How about county-related issues? nopes
556) Do you vote for senators and house members? nopes
557) Do you get off your ass to vote for the President? yea
558) Are you very opinionated? nopes
559) Do you vote along party lines? nopes
560) Are you a polititian or are you looking to become one? nopes
561) Have you ever run for office? nopes
562) And won? nopes
563) What is your stance on abortion: agianst
564) Gay rights: for
565) Gay marriage: for
566) Taxes: agianst
567) Public Education: for
568) Welfare Programs: dunno
569) Medicare: for
570) Tobacco Companies: agianst
571) The Legalization of Marijuana: for
572) Creationism vs Evolution: whatever
573) The "Under God" in the Pledge of Alligance: for
574) Athiesm or Religion in School and Politics: dont care
575) Our President: eh
576) Foreign Policy of the United States: dont care
577) Any other issues: not really
578) Do you believe the US should be involved in foreign wars? no
579) Would you vote for a black or woman candidate for president? race and gender should not matter
580) Would you ever want to be a polititian? nopes

Your Very Own Personal Hygene!
581) Are you a very private person? about somethings
582) Ever showered with someone else? yes
583) Do you shower everyday? yes
584) How often do you brush your teeth? once or twice a day
585) Do you floss daily? no
586) Do you bite your nails? sometimes
587) Or crack any of your joints? nopes
588) Do you get enough calcium? nopes
589) Do you wax/shave your eyebrows? nopes
590) How often do you shave? every other day
591) Do you clean up 'down there'? yes
592) Do you flaunt your good features? nopes
593) Do you wear makeup of any kind? yes sometimes
594) How often do you sunburn or go tanning? sunburn
595) Do you live healthy? sometimes
596) Are you overweight? no
597) Are you underweight? no
598) Do you drink? sometimes
599) What do you eat normally? depends
600) Do you smoke? nopes
601) Do you have any other destructive habits? nah
602) Are you violent? nah
603) Do you engage in hardcore sex? what exactly does that pertain too?

Taste the Rainbow - Color Association
604) Orange: orange
605) Baby Blue: sky
606) Red: blood
607) Yellow: sun
608) Green: grass
609) Black: hole
610) White: cloud
611) Tan: skin
612) Violet: flower
613) Pink: heart
614) Clear: empty
615) Bronze: penny
616) Silver: metal
617) Gold: ring
618) Lavander: flowers
619) Maroon: car
620) Navy: sailboat
621) Eggshell: paint
622) Purple-: pink
623) Teal: torquise
624) Brown: dirt
625) Gray: ashes

Name Something That Starts With... (sorry I am not naming stuff)
626) A:
627) B:
628) C:
629) D:
630) E:
631) F:
632) G:
633) H:
634) I:
635) J:
636) K:
637) L:
638) M:
639) N:
640) O:
641) P:
642) Q:
643) R:
644) S:
645) T:
646) U:
647) V:
648) W:
649) X:
650) Y:
651) Z:

Name Somebody You Know Who...
652) Has a myspace account with pictures: wendy
653) Owns porn videos: dave
654) Likes geeky boys or girls: hollie
655) Has a new boy/girlfriend every week: dont know
656) Is really successful in your eyes: becky
657) Is comfortable in their own skin: not sure
658) Loves change: kaleena
659) Owes you money: corey
660) Drives a truck: ritchie
661) Has a motorcycle license: dunno
662) Wakes up before 7 AM on a daily basis: my mom
663) Has a white collar job: david
664) Completed high school with honors: becky
665) Graduated college cum laude: huh?
666) Is the devil's incarnate... maybe?: jon
667) Worked in a restaurant: kaleena
668) Went to the same school/college as you but doesn't anymore: a lot of people
669) Ran away from home as a kid: kaleena
670) Lives alone: becky
671) Wants to become a doctor: jason
672) Can sing well: a few people
673) Knows alot about the Civil War: dunno
674) Can recite pi to at least the 15th digit: jon most likely
675) Understands 1337 5p34k: my brother
676) Can fix your computer: mark
677) Is smarter than you: a lot of people lol
678) Has more common sense than you: a lot of people
679) Knows how to party hard: corey
680) Drinks alot: corey
681) Smokes: corey
682) Has braces: dunno
683) Works over 40 hours a week: corey
684) Owns their own home: jon
685) Likes rap music: dunno

Who Makes You Feel...
686) Happy? corey
687) Depressed? no one
688) Confused? corey
689) Angry? no one
690) Safe? corey
691) Hopeless? no one
692) Loved? corey
693) Well cared for? corey
694) Stupid? no one
695) Intelligent? dunno
696) Sensitive? no one
697) Like a geek? no one
698) Silly? everyone lol
699) Old? no one
700) Young? no one
701) Heartless? no one
702) Sympathetic? i dont know
703) Beautiful? corey
704) Childish? dunno
705) Funny? dunno
706) Mature? dunno
707) Ugly? no one
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