Mar 27, 2008 15:18
So here's my story. I'm writing from my laptop, propped up in bed.
Soon as learning that they needed to come out, I started looking around on the internet for adult post-op instructions. Not much. I managed to come up with a few things to purchase before surgery.
Ginger ale, applesauce, jello, popsicles, pedialyte, Gatorade and baby food. Steve picked up a wireless doorbell system and some pads with pens in case I wasn't able to talk after surgery. Also bought cheap sheets for the bed and waterproof mattress and pillow covers. My doctor told me to not have any dairy; milk causes mucous.
Day 1:
I went into surgery at 6:15 Wednesday morning- oh, the method they used was Radio Frequency ablation. After changing into the hospital gown, checking my weight (140.5) the nurse gave me some liquid Zantac to help with the nausea.
After that, a quick discussion with the anestesiologist, and soon I was lying on the operating table. The room was freezing cold. The anesthesiologist stuck the IV in my arm and that was it.
I woke up about an hour later (?) in the post-op room, next to a whole bunch of other post-op people. That was a bit creepy. They were wheeling out bloody people as I was waking up.
The nurse gave me some more painkillers (liquid Vicodin and Fentenol) after forcing down some applesauce and Ginger Ale; and then she told me not to fight sleep. There is no way I can sleep with pain like that. It felt like someone just burned out the interior of my mouth and throat.
Left the surgery center and went back to the house.
The only thing I wanted to do was sleep, but the pain wasn't going to let me. I only forced the ginger ale down because it said on the post-op instructions that it would make me feel better sooner. Have you ever tried swallowing chopped razorblades?
I tried eating a Popsicle- forget it. No Jello either. There is no way that I can have anything I need to chew on or suck on. Applesauce is my meal of choice. I managed to eat about 3 tablespoons before tears were running down my face.
I was given Loratab liquid for the pain to take every 4-6 hours, and liquid Amoxicillin 3 times a day.
Here's another unexpected thing; the minute I moved, my body wanted to go into a coughing fit. I was unable to hold one off on the way to the bathroom; my vision turned to stars and I had to lean against the wall. Apparently they forgot to warn me about the massive amounts of mucous that was going to be sitting in my throat. I had to calm my breathing while sitting back down again to avoid more coughing or clearing my throat. There was no way I would be able to go upstairs so I can get to the bedroom.
I can't speak at all, tried once and could barely get a peep out. The arm they put the IV in went numb for a couple hours.
The pain is bearable for about 2 hours after taking Loratab. It takes about a half hour to start working. After it wears off, I'm waiting desperately for my next dose. While waiting, I can't concentrate on anything; the pain is that bad. Can't watch tv because my ears are in such extreme pain.
Probably slept about 2.5 hours the first night.
Day 2:
Pain has gotten worse. Forget sleeping at all. Eating applesauce and drinking Gingerale is killing me. I took a warm bath which seemed to help a bit, then was able to get into bed with only a slight coughing fit.
Mom made some home-made chicken soup; a nice change from the applesauce. I've been able to drink about 3 tablespoons of that. I can only drink the liquid part; nothing solid.
I put ice cubes in my Ginger Ale, it went down easier when colder. I'm forcing myself to drink as much as possible; I've nearly finished a large bottle of Ginger Ale myself now. I have to drink whenever I need to swallow; it helps the pain a bit.