It's been a while since the last episode of Heroes aired, and many of my friends on LiveJournal have already blogged about their feelings regarding the season. I wish that I had kept up better with this show, but I only did a good job of doing so at the beginning of the season, when I had fewer midterms and papers to worry about. Damn you, academia, for impeding my note-taking process of watching TV!
At first, I thought that season 2 was just fumbling a bit. But as the season went on, it just kept dropping bombs of EPIC FAIL left and right. Overall, I think that season 1 was better written, and more tightly-plotted than season 2 was. Season 2 was short due to the writers' strike, but it definitely seems like Heroes will be coming back. I'll continue watching, to see what happens. That's what I'm doing with Battlestar Galactica, too. Sad. I wish that all TV shows that start out amazing would stay amazing.
It's difficult to write about the season without giving spoilers, so
I probably would have seen it coming if I had given it more thought, but Nathan Petrelli's death took me by surprise. After the series of deaths of minority and female characters, however, though, I was almost happy when Nathan got shot (being a white male), even though I really do like the character (certainly much more than his idiot brother!).
Speaking of Peter. I really, really hated his storyline this season. All of it.
Adam to Peter: TODAY IN HISTORY, the virus somehow gets released! In order to stop this from happening, Peter, you must help me KILL RANDOM GUARDS and BREAK IN in order to STOP this from happening! PS: I totally don’t want the virus to get released. At all. Did I mention that I am not evil? Oh yeah, just ignore Hiro. Because Hiro is the one character on this show who’s always wrong.
I feel like these characters forget how to use their powers sometimes? Why didn’t Peter stop time, walk in casually, and pick up the vial containing the virus? Also, why did Caitlin exist at all? It seemed so stupid to me that she had to be lost in an alternate future in order for Peter to care enough to stop a virus from being released that would kill over 90% of the world's population. Do you really need a love interest to motivate a character to do that? It just seemed really unnecessary.
I like Molly a lot. Probably just because she is a little kid, and cute. Micah is cute, too. But why was Mohinder just gone from the apartment, while she was there by herself? She might be just about old enough to stay home alone, but considering all the shit that’s going down, and that she’s been kidnapped before, you’d think that would be a big no-no.
Here are my hopes for season 3:
--Niki is not dead.
--DL died for a damn good reason.
--Nathan Petrelli will stay dead.
--Angela Petrelli will continue to be badass.
--Maya will retain the ability to have control over her powers, will be angry about the murder of her brother, and will kick Sylar's ass.
--Claire and Elle will have their own agency, and will ignore their creepy fathers.
--Matt will stop being creepy with the usage of his powers
--Mohinder will continue to show the gumption that he did at the end of the season, like when he was sneaky with Sylar. Also, he will continue to be made of sex.
bobthehaitian members
made a wishlist towards the end of the season of what we hope for.
Link Round-up
oyceter's thoughts on 2x10 and 2x11
herebobthehaitian on 2x11 (read the comments, too)
herebobthehaitianon 2x10 (again, comments too!)
heredesdenova on 2x9
herebobthehaitianon 2x9, which I think is the one that broke us all,
hereI think my favorite comment in that last thread was by
My favorite thing? My FAVORITE THING. Is how all this bullshit of big-chested white males being all scary and violent is supposed to be okay because they're PROTECTING THE BLOND GIRL, when in fact we are talking about a blond girl who is fucking indestructible. For that matter, it's not like Elle needs much help, either. When you consider that all Bob can do is turn shit into gold, and Noah's just got normal spy-man-type skills, the whole thing is fucking ludicrous.
I think those last two sentences sum up most of my feelings about how I wish this series would go.
ETA: More links!
coffeeandink on the season finale
hereI don’t think the problem is that Kring et. al. deliberately set out to minimize women and people of color. I think that the assumption that the Important People are white men is so deeply ingrained in the writing staff that they just keep making plot decisions that reinforce it.
coffeeandink also on episode 2x09
here Also, for those looking to do something about the sucktasticness of this season can see
Save Heroes, where people are attempting to collect essays on why the show's treatment of women and people of color is BAD, making a draft of a detailed formal letter, and sending the letter to writers/producers before next season.