This community is excellent at critiquing the problems of the show, whether episode-by-episode, in terms of character arcs and plot developments, or using statistics. There's also starting to be some really amazing organizing to get these critiques to the writers and producers. Given that, I wanted to use this space to ask: what would be GOOD things to have happen in future episodes? What do you want to see? How should characters be used to their full potential, problems be addressed, etc? I know people often express their wishes-for-the-future in comments, but let's try to collect some of them in one place.
-Yaeko should come forward in time and kick some ass. Kimiko should join her in ass-kicking.
-The show should recognize that West is a creepy stalker abusive boyfriend, yell at him a lot, and kill him off. Either Claire or Elle gets to kill him. Claire is preferable. As a long shot it could be Monica.
-DL should be either Not Dead, or Dead For A Better Reason.
-Maya and Alejandro's powers should be more extensive than we were previously led to believe. Hey, if it can happen to Matt, it can happen to them. Neither of them should die. They should figure out what's up with Sylar before he gets the chance to kill Alejandro.
-Mohinder should strike out on his own and stop taking orders from white guys. Instead, he could get on the whole stopping the virus thing. Also, he should call Matt on abusing his powers.
-Monica and Micah should make themselves some cool superhero outfits and start fighting crime/taking down the company. Monica and Claire should meet up and work together on something at some point.
-Elle should be any kind of three-dimensional, I don't even care what kind.
-Bob-the-Haitian should turn out to have been secretly three steps ahead of everybody on everything for the last thirty years. He's been playing it cool for a really good reason, and there's an actual explanation for no one knowing his name.
-Caitlin should get out of the dystopian future without any "oh no, save me Peter!" bullshit. She should be mad at Peter for getting her into this mess.
-A white male should die permanently. West's death may or may not be sufficient. Someone like, say, Nathan may also have to die.
-Angela should never stop being awesome.