Dec 03, 2008 19:02
I was talking with my sister and she sent me this copy of some logs from a board that she was visiting. She'd heard about the show with the Duggar's and wanted to learn more about it, but since my mum's house has no cable the only way she could learn anything was to go online and start looking around. She was able to find a board for people to just generally talk about the show, but thats not all. In her exact words it was funny/scary.
So for your viewing pleasure here it is
"Blesstheword: I am a God fearing Christian woman raised in a strict Christian house where the love of GOd was beat into me every day. I was taught the sins of the flesh were a sign of weakness, the work of the devil. Sex is filthy and dirty. The devil laughs at us while God crys. This woman is filthy and sinful. I was always taught children were a reminder of our sinful, lustful ways. They were a symbol of our weakness of how we have fallen. She Mrs. Duggar gave in to the temptations instead of living a life of chastity and free of sin and lustful thoughts. If we remained sinless in the garden we would not have these children. Eve was weak and so are these Duggars. They proclaim to be Christians but she is nothing more than a makeup wearing street walker.
Blesstheword:The women of today walk around half naked, proud of their sin, painting their faces like clowns. Rutting like animals. God never intended for us to climb all over each other without a stitch of clothing, writhing like filthy pigs. Yes this does make God cry. The Duggers are nothing but filth mongers and her daughters will grow up the same. The apples don't fall far from the tree. Shame on them for they will pay , while burning with lust God will burn them forever for the lake of fire awaits them. Praise be to Jesus. People will learn, but it will be too late for them. God will sweep them away with a wave of his hand.
redwingchick: BlesstheWord is being sarcastic. At least, I hope so.
Blesstheword: Oh I'm very serious. I am not sarcastic when it comes to the word of the Lord our God. Who reins forever and ever, Amen. This is filth, pure and simple. They are guilty of the sins of the flesh. Sweating like animals in heat is what they are doing. Climbing all over each other they do not realize they play into the devils hands. The Duggers are doing nothing more than playing sex games and then proclaiming their pride. Sin.
My mother drilled into me the power and love of the Lord and the importance of remaining pure. No I can say that I have never known the pleasures of the flesh and I am 72 years old. Amen.
redwingchick: Blessed, I am very sorry for you. Not because you are a virgin, there is nothing wrong with that choice. I am sorry for you because I don't know what Bible you have been reading but the Bible I learned tells me that sex, child-bearing, marriage and love were gifts from God to be enjoyed inside the marriage bond. They are wonderful gifts. God does not find sex disgusting. Nothing God creates can be disgusting and he created love-making. I know that nothing I can say can ever change your mind but I feel I had to speak up. Feel free to berate me if you wish, but my marriage and my sex-life with my husband are blessed by Jehovah God, not condemned and I will never ever feel ashamed of the gifts he has given me.
redwingchick: Why did her mother get married if she believes it is all sinful? I have seen movie characters that sound like her but I have never actually encountered someone like that in real life. She scares the cr@p outta me!
Blesstheword: Im sure miss redwing, that you wear bright red lipstick and paint your face like a clown. Showing off your breasts, prancing around proudl of your sin. I know your type too well my mother warned be many years ago about the Eve's of this mortal world. Nothing that you do with your husband is good or holy. You make every excuse in the book ha ha to indulge yourself. Denial is best gift you can give the Lord and yourself. Pleasure of the flesh are only for the weak and weakminded.
God will win in the end. His punishment is swift and without mercy for those who pervert his teachings and who treat their bodies like some sort of amusement park.
Blesstheword: OF COURSE I know how I came here. My mother cursed the day my father took her and she gave in to his lust. She has cursed that day every day of my life growing up. She cried, screamed, repented, and constantly asked the holy Father for forgiveness. It was a night of weakness that she will pay for. She knew that. She did not want me to make the same mistake.
redwingchick: Bless are you honestly telling me you got all this from the Bible or is this just what your mother said was in the Bible? You might want to read it for yourself. And why did your mother marry if it was such a sin?
Blesstheword: Marriage is fine and our duty but the marriage bed must not be defiled by engaging in depraved animal like acts. You must remain pure. Because we were born in sin by the weakness of another (our parents) doesn't mean we should continue the sins of our Fathers. I believe in the one true Bible.
I have to go for a while, I have biscuits in the oven and have another batch to make. My Christian group is meeting tomorrow. Praise Jesus. I'm praying for each and every one of you."