This is about Doctor Who but Mostly about The Sword of Truth.

Jan 01, 2009 19:31

So earlier this week I was bored and just happened to watch Doctor Who. I've always avoided it because I thought it was some cheesy 90's bad-acting time-traveling show. BUT IT'S NOT. Well, sometimes....haha. I loved The X-Files when I used to watch it like one or two summers ago and this is like that, only British. So far I've only seen the one episode with a giant bee/alien and I already love that show.

AND I THINK IT'S EXTREMELY HILARIOUS that I've always seemed to dislike/hate pretty much a good majority of things that I love. This is particularily true of my friends. Which is weird. But I love them all now, so it's okay. So if I hate you or an object, it's only a matter of time before I go crazy over it all! ;-) Which makes me wonder if I just have sucky judgement, because I've always thought I was good at that......>.< darn.

Legend of the Seeker is back this month after a period of re-runs, I guess to get more people to catch up on the show and become followers of it. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. I tried to love it, I really did. I watch it half-heartedly now. I love Kahlan's character because even though her dress was RUINED ( she looks like a bar wench) she looked most like her character. Even though I'm pretty sure she has blue eyes, instead of green, I can ignore that. Richard could have been a bit older and not look like he just came out of puberty.  It bugs me that NOBODY else has read this series (of my rl friends). Except Vickeh who stopped because she couldn't get over the rapping and what-not that happens. Sorry to say, that is hardly the worst of it and it's written to prove a point!! The Imperial Order IS A BUNCH OF BARBARIANS. They have gone back to the most basic man and just slaughter and kill and pillage BECAUSE THEY CAN. And they don't care. There's no rules in that army. They're all just instinct which is basically "I want, I take"

Which is to show the great contrast between Jagang's view's and Richards. Because Richard is AWESOME. Like I've said before, people follow him because they WANT to. Not because they have to, which they never do anyways.  They actually kinda got that part in the show. Even though in EVERY FREAKING EPISODE he's off saving some random person. In the end, he always does what is right and follows what his heart tells him (cheesy I know, but it's all I've got right now) and they rally behind him, find their own courage and begin to stand up for themselves. I LOVE THOSE BOOKS! Seriously, I think I'd marry them if I could.

And Victoria who is my best friend takes her sweet time reading EVERY OTHER BOOK IN THE WORLD before she'll decide she wants to read WFR. But, since I know when she gets angry at a character, she puts the book down and the fact that she hates violence and gore, she'll never get through the first book. :-( Which makes this series seem bloody and horrific, but it's not. There's just a few war's and battles taking place alot, because this is about good vs evil, right vs wrong and the gray between.


AND before I go, I have to get the GREAT SHAME off my chest. Yesterday while i was alone alone at the clinic, I SET THE FREAKING ALARM OFF. Because apparently Amy can't remember 4 DIGITS. In the right order at least. So DFT calls, and this is how it goes:

DFT: Hello, the alarm has bee set off. Are you friend or foe?

Me: Yes. Hello. My name is Amy the-girl-whose-an-idiot and I also happen to work here.

DFT: Prove it, what's your code?

Me: 4521!

DFT: WRONG! FOOL! *presses button*

Me: *falls into fiery pit*

I was doing a good job of not freaking out. But the woman was trying to help me figure out my code and was all

DFT: The 1st two numbers 4, 2 are right, the last two are wrong!

Me: What?! The last two are 2+1, Do you mean that? Is the 4+5 Right?

DFT: No! I mean what I said , you have the right numbers my in the wrong order!

-And at this point there's only two other combo's that could be made but I had the brain of a dead rat and couldn't figure out what she was trying to tell me.-

DFT: Okay, thanks Amy. *click*

Which, to me sounded pretty ominous. I had NO IDEA what was going to happen next. Were the cops goig to take me away? Lock me up? THROW AWAY THE KEY?!!!

But DFT called Roseann to make sure it was okay for me to be there and Roseann called me and I was SO EMBARRASED. I mean, I could get over it, but they all and fore-warned me what would happen if I did it wrong and I feel like I've been put into my place as the youngest-child-like employee of the clinic who has the brain of a dead rat.

AND THEN I had to call Jess 'cause I couldn't get my code to work to lock the place back up, and she had to come over, and she called DFT because I apparently couldn't figure that out and then it was all good, and now when I go back tomorrow they will ALL LAUGH and stare and watch and make me lock up when we leave at then end of the night until I get it right!! *cries*

wizard's first rule, legend of the seeker, doctor who

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