highlander recs (warning : gen & slash with a little het )

Dec 30, 2008 14:31


Above the Dingle Starry by hafital.
A casual suggestion, made during a rare moment of quiet late one night when there was just
the two of them left at the bar and Joe was busy closing out the register

Alexa Quartet by Raine Wynd
Summary: A collection of loosely-connected Alexa-themed fics

Above the skyscrapers, the true sky had been blanked out behind the perpetual on-line calendar/bulletin.t was impossible to distinguish day from night. The city existed in a permanent twilight--a gaudy carnival
half-state that would never end.

A Command in Fancy Clothes by thetruebard, pentapus (cuet comic, river, methos , FF/HL..maybe rated pg for implied methos/inara )
Notes: A while back, I asked for short dialogues as prompts for short comics, and thetruebard, who has a lovely knack for capturing the swagger and cadence of the firefly cast, came up with a script that I love. Imagine a world in which Methos finds himself traveling on Serenity...

A Gathering of Angels by Maygra
Summary: An HL/Touched by an Angel Crossover

A Ghost of Winter's Past by Ithildin
Summary: Methos visits his 'nephew', Lucien LaCroix, in Toronto one Christmas. Crossover with Forever Knight.

After the Horsemen by Maygra
Summary: Series set in modern days that traces Methos early past and how it intersects with the present.

AfterArchangel by JiM.
Warning: This is NC-17 slash featuring JD/Methos - that means two guys getting sticky. If you are under legal age, or if this is not your cup of tea, please go somewhere you would rather be.

A hint of things to come..by auberus (Svu/Hl snippet,gen , warning f-locked ask to be added)
For the moment, though, here is part of a Highlander/SVU crossover that lferion and I are working on. Consider it proof of life, or something like that. I can't believe it's been almost two months since I posted anything!
also check out lferion hl fics

A New Man by Raine Wynd Rated: All Audiences
Summary: Darius takes the Quickening that changed his life. A Lyric Wheel Challenge fic

A Night at Joe's by CrisM79
Summary: Set after the episode "Indiscretions". Joe is at his bar still thinking about the recent events with his daughter Amy, when a friend comes by to check up on him.

A Thief's Challenge by jinxed_wood
Summary: [Magnificent 7 Crossover] Amanda ends up stranded in Four Corners, and runs into an old acquaintance... Ezra
http://hlfiction.net/viewstory.php?sid=1164&warning=Mature Content

A Tale of Diamonds and Drawers by jinxed_wood
Summary: He was on a boat. Methos should have realised it didn't auger well.

A Place To Stand by merriman
Summary: Methos has made himself a home in the middle of nowhere, safe from the sort of trouble that plagues Paris and Seacouver, until Duncan shows up.

Bloodties by Ithildin
Summary: Bloodties is a series in a shared universe that started in 1996 as Forever Knight and soon expanded to include Highlander. Stories set in the future use the Star Trek timeline (something in IRC about 'what would happen if a Borg tried to assimilate an Immortal' was responsible for that!) Stories written these days tend to be fairly Methos & Highlander-centric. All the stories, by all the authours that have participated over the years, can be found at my website.

Better than ribbons by silentflux
Summary: It wasn't the first time Methos had woken up hung over and uncertain of his surroundings.

Best Laid Plans by Wajag
If Wishes Were Horses by Wajag Cont. of Best Laid Plans series. SGA has woken the Wraith and Methos is off to the Pegasus galaxy to keep an eye on thing

Breaking and Entering by Anne
sg1/hl ,gen

Choices of the Raven by Raine Wynd
Summary: A loosely connected series of stories centering on Amanda and Nick Wolfe, particularly in the wake of the triggering of Nick's immortality. Each story can be read as a stand-alone story.

Called To Rise by D.L. Witherspoon
Summary: What is the true nature of Methos' soul? Duncan knows, and he's
betting the future of the Game on it.

Changing of the Guard (all 5 in one doc ( warning dail-up coustomers may have trouble loading)
Sumarry: Methos' plans for a little Research and Recreation take a decidedly dangerous turn when the Air Force discovers he's an Immortal. Can he survive the present, confront his past, and save Earth's future
all at the same time? http://www.shahrazad.net/~sgnovels/storiesc/changingoftheguard.txt
a second part in the arc written for the same universe though it can stand on it on was writen By Texan - rrendon@eaze.net ( note some people are iffy about adding it to the changing of the gaurd universe-- so don't take it as a you must read it. No its purely a- what if it contined in this direction sorta thing.- if to go ahead and read it.. i can say i liked it . (BUT Q from s:tng and other star trek shows, books ect, would be much older and far more powerful than any Ancint ever could be! Q is like over 6 billion this is my only pet peve to this story. She tried to say an Ancient whois like a houndred thousand or a few hundred thound years old would be older and more powerful benings like Q who is likend to a god. How do i know he (Q) was billions of years old? ok here we go, (A) his mate and he had been together for on and off a billion years
http://www.startrek.com/startrek/view/series/TNG/character/1112478.html scroll down page it metioned toward the end or
http://www.startrek.com/startrek/view/library/character/bio/1124720.html ). And she was five billion years old(
http://www.startrek.com/startrek/view/library/aliens/article/70700.html go to the last paragrah) and her name in book was ladyQ -mother to Q's son-. And it was said he was older than she was. The Ancients were around like millions of years ago.. NOT billions of years ago there big difernce in time here! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_(Stargate). the Ancient are are also limted by a prime directive on inerferace. The Q have no such thing they have no limt to their god like powers what so ever. hence as i see it the q are more powerful.( its also important to note until they (the Ancient) asend they could die like their bother race the Ori. on the other hand the Q are energy beings and are are smei-opniptent. Meaning they can't be hurt or die unless their stripped of their powers--again a big diferance. Or unless they chose to give ther powers away like Q-quinn. Its still unclear how many have ever died save Amanda-Q parents and Q's best friend Quinn..these are the only noted deaths.) There i've spoke my mind on the issue i'd say it was mearly poor research on -her or his behalf- so i'll let it go. But it ruined it for me for a while there.

Crouching Stargate, Drunken Yak by amand_r
Summary: Between the three of them standing there, they had a mini arsenal. Hell between the three of them, they also had a mini bar
Clock Strikes Twelve by Sylvia Volk.

Conversation at Joe's fics
others The Library

Desperados Waiting For a Train by mackiedockie
Summary: The Pinkerton detective warned MacLeod to stay away from the wily outlaw Joe Walker and his dangerous cronies. MacLeod should have listened.

Don't Rock the Boat by Tessa Rae
Summary: After 2 years away, Duncan MacLeod returns to Paris and discovers that three of his friends have mysteriously vanished. He starts to investigate and ends up on board a luxury liner, drowning in trouble and pleasure.

Eternals by cat-77
SGA /hl, Author's Notes: Fusion with the Highlander universe, though no one from that universe appears in this story. Makes the assumption that Quickenings travel to the nearest person or persons available. Written for the team_sga OT4 Fest

Fighting Shadows by Teresa C
Summary: Duncan's friends search for him and deal with the consequences of his actions after Richie's death.

Friends Like These by mogwai_do
Summary: A Quickening and a couple of almost innocent bystanders.

Game Theory by halcyon-shift Part 1/5 [Highlander/Numb3rs] (flocked ask to be friended http://halcyon-shift.livejournal.com/profile )
Summary: Don, Charlie, Megan, David and Colby investigate a series of unusual murders in Seacouver. Because, seriously, what kind of serial killer has a sword and a Tesla coil the size of a house?

Good Doctor by Rachael Sabotini
implied rr/m, m/dm
This story is rated for implied homoerotic content. If it is illegal for you to read this for some reason, please leave now; we'll both be happier about that. I don't think anyone wants to be associated with this, but Panzer-Davis owns the original source product of 'Highlander.' I make no money, I mean no harm. But I would enjoy it any feedback was sent to rachael@mediafans.org And there is a small warning on this, so let the reader beware.

Gone Fishin' by jinxed_wood (tw/hl,gen)

Giving Series by hafital (gen, DM/M)
Summary: A series of related short fiction, all with the central theme of gift giving.

Hearth and Home by Andrea Drummond and Rachael Sabotini
This story contains explicit Methos/Joe Romance stuff. You have been warned.

Highlander Slash stories by Sleeps With Coyotes

Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag by manserock (gen,slash,het)

Hl by amireal

Lightning fast and all alone by vaznetti
Summary: The past weighs heavy on Duncan MacLeod, and the future on John Winchester.Post-ep for SPN 1x 16, "Shadow."

Live Fire by auberus
spn/hl ,gen

Long Way Around by butterflykiki (HL/ Doctor Who) ( warning implied Adam/Jack/Amanda , het and slash , past nine and methos friendship hints at more.Genficish, PG-13 for innuendo and hooking up (thanks, Jack) spoilers through "The Doctor Dances", no further. Crossover with
unspecified by easily recognizable fandom, unbeta'd; with curses to Dee, Deb, and Lizbet for getting me into this. Comments welcome.

MacLeod's Daughters by marys_scribbles
Summary: Inspired by a billboard with this caption. Mostly gen, but preslash if you squint.

Methuselah's Secret by jinxed_wood
Summary: The rules have been bent, the future is uncertain, and the race has begun...

Untitled drabble for the "Joe Dawson Challenge" by Holde_Maid
The Angels' and Devils' challenge said "Think Joe Dawson." Well, I did.
Published: 12/30/08 Updated: 12/30/08

Rejoice by Unovis
Summary: Pages had gone out from a Paris postmark, pages torn from a book, with a message written over in red ink: Yes I will, yes, it said, and Come, and a time and place. Oh Yes was written on the envelope back in smudgy pencil.

Return to Normality by rogerd
Summary: Set after Godhead, showing the after effects of Connor viewing God, and of Methos' son, Mordred, also immortal and of their long running feud

Revenant by MacGeorge & Rachael Sabotini ( M/DM others implied)
When Watcher Clare Winge discovers Immortal Benny Carbasa in an asylum near Paris, she goes to Adam Pierson for help.

ROG on Vacation by dhrachth gen ( Lotrs/HL pg-15 for violence)
I'm trying to stick to cannon for both Highlander and the Lord of the Rings Books. I'm sure I'll make mistakes anyway, because I haven't seen Highlander since it went off the air and although I've read LOTR recently there are so many details I'm bound to forget some. If it's a small, easily fixable, mistake email me. I'll change it, eventually. If it's something big, requiring major rewrites, just consider the story slightly AU.

Selections From The Personal Journals Of Adam Pierson, Methos Researcher.( slash methos/ about every one at some point)Summary: Watcher records and the diligent research of Amy Zoll indicate that these entries were written between 21 February 1986 and 7 March 1995. It is the opinion of the Tribunal that these journals be permanently placed in the Methos Chronicle. Pierson deserves it.

Some Days Are Stranger Than Others by Sapphire
Summary: Over the centuries of watching immortals, it wasn’t uncommon for a Watcher to stumble across unusual happenings completely unrelated to immortal events. Most of them panned out to be nothing but the recent string of shriveled, mummified-looking bodies in Joe’s district had apparently piqued Methos’ interest enough to insist on accompanying Joe to check out some abandoned warehouses in the dock district where the most recent bodies had turned up.

Tablets and Prophecies HL/SG-1
Author’s Notes: So this is actually the first piece of Stargate FanFic I ever wrote, and I decided to make it difficult on myself by making it a crossover with Highlander. This is a saga that has been many months in the making and I am finally comfortable with it enough to actually start posting it. I would like to send my deepest heartfelt gratitude to Jo and Ruth, who were gracious enough to take the time to Beta this story for me!

The Curious Incident of the Doc in the Night-time by tazlet

The Good Teacher ( gen, violence)

The Methos Chronicles:The Armed Intervention Series (Gen, het, updated on 7/23/2008

Time and Again by
Pairings: Methos/Jack Harkness, later Methos/Duncan and Jack/Ianto implied.
Summary: "Stop me if you've heard this one," the man said, dropping into a seat across from Methos. "Two Immortals meet in a bar..."

The Bookmobile and The Water Witch by AD absolutely
Summary: MacLeod invites Methos and Joe to visit him in his Great Basin bolt hole
Published: 12/23/08 Updated: 12/23/08

The Kiss by Holde_Maid
Summary: Immortal friends ... sometimes Duncan wonders if he shouldn't just stick with mortals. They are so ... normal!

The Outside Member by Kat Allison

for more recent HL fiction



hl fiction archive

highlander on del

HL gen/het fics

hlh_shortcuts gen fics

Genny's fics slash great stuff

fanfiction net


ETA:upadates have been added and links fixed, let me know if you encouter a broken one.

thank you

methos/duncan, hl, the_highlander_slash

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