spn recs

Oct 08, 2008 17:01

spn recs


Title : Breaking Point
Author: sarcasticdaisy
Pairing: Sam/Dean
for the j2

Title:: For Always And Ever Is Always For You
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Summary: Right now, all he wants is to be with his brother again like they were before.

Title: I Sighed As A Lover, I Obeyed As A Son
Pairing: John Winchester/Sam Winchester. Established relationship.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Father/son incest. John/Sam, people! I am warning you, so don’t complain. No underagedness, though, if you have a bigger problem with that.
Summary: No spoilers, set pre-series. Sam is in his second year at Stanford, and is completely shocked that John’s even talking to him, let alone showing up at his dorm.

Title: Like the Other Mothers
Author: chaletian
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG
Characters: Mary
Spoilers: Just for In the Beginning, really
Summary: Of all the things Mary Winchester never did, this is the worst.

Title: Main Squeeze
Author: heatherofnight
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Adult content, explicit sexual situations, wincest
Summary: An encounter with an unusual creature forces Sam and Dean to re-examine their relationship.

Title: Out Loud.
Pairings: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13, maybe PG-15
Warnings: Slash, Wincest, Angst-y (but not really), brooding Sam.
Summary: Freshly established relationship and one of the problems to get through on the road.

Title: Radio Silence
Author: lushcity)
pairing: sam/dean
rating: pg-13
Only one drowned in the lake, Sam says, picking up his boots.
The more you know, Dean says, uninterested.
The rest drowned in bed, Sam says, and Dean raises an eyebrow.

Title: The End of All Things
Author: Rushlight
Pairing: Sam/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In a post-apocalyptic world, Dean struggles to locate Sam, who has been enslaved by demons.

Things Ain't Like They Used to Be
Author: jane_lane18
Rating: PG
Characters: John Winchester, Bobby Singer
Disclaimer: Not mine
Notes/Warnings: Written for the 100_ghosts prompt, eat humble pie. Pre-series

Older fics

Title: A Warning For A Promise
Author: dontyouwaitup
Rating: R
Summary: Things are feeling a little foggy.
Notes: First time Sam/Dean. Please don't read if you are offended by pirates, orgasms, or that irritating way that preppy boys from New

Title: Deep Water
Author: the_mad_fangirl
Ratings: PG-13
Characters : gen, Dean, Norrington, CoTFD, Mullroy
Warnings: Spoilers through POTC: At World's End *and* all of Supernatural to date, as well as for the surprise xover, another summer blockbuster that has not finished premiering worldwide yet AFAIK. If you thought this crossover had the crack before, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
Summary/ A/N: The Dutchman is summoned to deep water. Goes with the CoTFD curse as Bootstrap described it, and not as the writers have explained it

Title: Rubber Ducky
Author: Impertinence
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Summary: Turning into a bright red rubber duck isn't top on Dean's list of "Oh Shit, I Would Give Anything For This Not to Have Happened" Things, but it's definitely number two. Well, okay, maybe number three.

Title: More than mets the eye
Author :astolat
Pairing : Sam/Dean crossever Transformers
Dean had them heading towards Golden Valley on US-93 when the semi and the fighter jet went screaming by,
blasting at each other with what looked like laserbeams. That was crazy enough, even before both of them smashed
into the overpass and stopped long enough to unfold into giant robots.
more transformers ans spn here : http://delicious.com/kronos999/fandom:transformers+fandom:supernatural

Title: To Winning
Author phantisma
Pairings: Dean/Sam/Spike
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sam and Dean happen across Spike in a bar…and stuff happens. For deliciouspear who wanted: Fandom(s): ANGEL/SPN; Character(s): Spike & Dean; Category: Wangst; Rating: Any, but I am a pervert; Prompt: Bruises; Spike & Dean "compete" with each other to impress Sam.

Title: To Honour Losses (still wip )
Author: farleigh
Pairings/Characters: Sam/Dean, Bobby, and other recognisable faces.
Rating: Overall R/NC-17
Category: Angst, hurt comfort, first-time, adventure, drama
Word Count: 29,000/121,000
Spoilers: All the way up to AHBL (somewhere 3rd season - Sam's broke the curse)
Summary: Sam finds out that Dean had ambitions, that he once wanted and came close to being normal. Bobby gives them a case where Dean’s dreams may finally come true.

spn, recs, sam/dean

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