crossovers recs for hp mostly and one j2 fic...

Oct 05, 2008 15:54

crossovers recs for hp mostly and one j2 fic...

warning het gen and slash :D

Title: A Craving for Kindness
Author: sahiya
Fandoms: Harry Potter/House MD
Pairing/Rating: R, Remus Lupin/James Wilson
Summary: A werewolf and a doctor walk into a bar on the full
moon . . . and the next day, the werewolf finds himself in Princeton Plainsboro Hospital.

Title: A Spot of Legal Bother(lol yes you read that right hp and boston leagal. As if poor Alan dosn't have enough to deal all ready it winds up with Draco.)
Crossover Fandom Boston Legal
Rating: PG
Main Characters: Draco Malfoy, Alan Shore
Summary:So now he was standing outside Crane, Poole and Schmidt, wondering what the hell he'd got himself into and wanting to kill Ginny

Title: Animagus of the Caribbean
Rating: G
Crossover fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Main characters: Sirius Black and the main cast of PotC: Curse of the Black Pearl.
Summary: "Just when I thought I'd seen it all," Sirius muttered to himself, "I have to deal with an undead monkey."
Author's note: This fic is set after book 5 for HP, and during the events of Curse of the Black Pearl for PotC.
A few of Gibbs's and Elizabeth's lines come straight from the movie

Title: Abracadabra
Author: snowpuppies
Pairing: Snape/Xander
Rating: PG-13
Highlight for Warnings:hints at D/s, m/m
Summary: Severus Snape meets the new liaison between the re-built Watchers' Council and Hogwarts. Things aren't exactly as they seem.

Title: Draco Meets Starbuck
Artist: heathen_ursidae
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Materials Used: Pen and ink, watercolor, pencil, and photoshop text
Warnings: slash
Hello. This is my first post to crossover_hp. It's a comic, which means a lot of bandwidth gave it's life for a very short story.

Title: End of Days
Summary: Harry Potter hadn't seemed a likely vehicle for promoting chaos in the earthly realm.
Characters: Crowley, Aziraphale, mentions of Remus/Sirius
Rating: G
Notes: A quick Good Omens meta-fic about the release of the last Harry Potter book. A belated happy birthday to such_heights!

Title: Fated To Pretend or The Weekend Jensen Was Jared’s Girlfriend
Author: Katja (xkatjafx)
Pairing:Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles.
Warnings: CRACK. Humor. Crossdressing. Schmoop.
Rating: NC-17. First Time.
Summary: Due to extraordinary circumstances Jensen offers to spend a weekend pretending to be Jared’s girlfriend. Jared soon realizes that he got a lot more than he bargained for.

Title Impossible Is Nothing
Author such_heights
rating: PG
Pairing: none, gen
cast:The Doctor, Martha, Remus
Summary: The Doctor doesn't believe in magic, so Professor Lupin's about to get a bit of a surprise.

Title: It's Never Lupus
Author: fourth_rose
Crossover: Harry Potter/House M.D.
Rating: PG, although there's one highly suggestive cane...
Word count: 1400
Characters: I suppose it's a matter of perspective.
Pairing: Harry/Draco if you squint

Title: Lupinatural
Crossover Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Remus
Rating: PG-13 (potentially NWS for bare chests)
Notes: medium: pastel chalk

Title: Magical Malady (med/long three parts)
Author sahiya and dribom
Fandoms: House/Harry Potter
Rating/Pairings:: PG-13, Gen (overtones of House/Wilson, Snape/Lupin)
Summary: House is in England for a conference when he is suddenly struck down by something with no mundane explanation. Will Snape and his band of ducklings manage to uncover the secret behind House's illness before House uncovers their own?

Title: Perpendicular Universes
Fandom: Doctor Who/HP/H.P. Lovecraft/Discworld/XXXholic
Summary: During the Year That Never Was, Martha meets someone whom she will meet several times. Or whom she has met several times? Non-linear time always made her head hurt.
Genre: Gen

Title: Recruit
Fandoms: Buffy/HP
Pairing: Giles/Snape
Rating: NC-17, slash
Genre: Drama/Humor/Romance
Summary: Slayers abounded, and even with new innovations in training and technology, the Watcher’s Council struggled to cope with the decimation of its ranks wreaked by the Bringers. Willow’s sudden return offered Giles the chance to discover much-needed new recruits. Yet nothing quite prepared him for one Severus Snape.

Title: Strange Bedfellows(uh long gen fic, bettwen snape and sands)
Author: Mrs. Hyde and Mervin
Fandom: Once Upon a Time in Mexico and Harry Potter
Rating: R/NC-17
Summary: “We all need someone we can lean on…” Two unlikely men in an unlikely place find an unlikely friendship in each other. A post-DH, post-OUaTiM crossover AU featuring Severus Snape and Sheldon Sands.

Title: Solaris
Author: snowpuppies
Fandom: Crossover - HP, BtVS
Pairing: Snape/Harry, Drusilla
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em.
Summary: Harry runs into someone...unexpected.

Title: To Know Who I Am (het snape and an ofc slayer aslso long. Wip as of today but updated semi reguarly)
Author: firefly_124
Main Pairing: SS/OFC
Rating: NC-17 for a few explicit consensual sex scenes and occasional profanity, otherwise you could pretty much run it on prime-time
Warnings: Torture
Summary: It's been over six years since the fall of Voldemort and Professor Sprout has retired. There is something strange about the new Herbology

Title: They Come in Pairs
Pairings: Harry/Ianto, Jack/Ianto, Harry/Remus implied
Crossover Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Summary: He knows his name is Harry Potter, that he is twenty-six years old and that at some point five or six years ago, he came into possession of something Torchwood wants, that Jack wants. But Ianto plays dumb, and asks him all the right questions.

Title: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes
Author: Lilith (lilithilien)
Fandom: Harry Potter/Torchwood
Pairings: Harry/Draco, Jack/Ianto, Jack/Draco
Summary: They say you can't go home again. But what happens when you try?
Rated: NC-17
Notes: This started out as an exercise in writing smut, but turned into something a little more. Call it plot-heavy PWP. ;) I know that class

Title: Tattoo
Rating: PG
Crossover Fandom: House M.D.
Pairing: Severus Snape / Gregory House, if you squint
Notes: I really hope you like this. I didn't get into the smut like I had planned on (these two decided against it, I suppose). I hope I got the sort of thing you were looking for and thank you for the great prompts. Thanks to A. for the beta and to the mod for running such a great exchange.

Title: Two Wizards and a Jedi (wip)
Author: dripping_cherry
Fandom: HP/Star Wars
Pairing: Harry/Draco/Anakin and every possible combination thereof ;)
Rating: NC-17
Timeline: Harry and Draco’s 7th year at Hogwarts. Anakin is around 20.
Summary: A short time ago, in a galaxy closer than we thought…

Title: The Devil's Due(wip)
Rating: NC17
Fandom: Harry Potter/Crow Crossover
Summary: Six months after Voldemort's victory and the Fall of Harry Potter, an angry spirit rises from the grave to wreak bloody vengeance.'s+due

Title: Wanderlust (Yay Count D and the hp guys lots of fun)
Authors: lithiumdelusion and bluestocking79
Rating: PG-13, so far.
Fandoms: Harry Potter and Pet Shop of Horrors (PSoH)
Characters/Pairings: Leon Orcot/Count D, Jill, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall
Summary: Leon's finally found what he was looking for, but a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger has Jill starting on a quest of her own.
Warnings: Implied slash/yaoi.

Title: We’re Not in Kansas Anymore ( long fic six part, a good read, uh slash and incest..oh and a threesome lol)
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Jack/Harry/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Summary: *deep breath* Sam and Dean from my Don’t Touch story (which you don’t have to read to understand this one) find themselves in Wales and neck deep in trouble, like usual.'re+not+in+kansas+anymore

Title: Wolves in the Walls
Fandoms: Buffy/Harry Potter/Doctor Who
Characters: Rupert Giles, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, The Doctor, Rose Tyler
Pairings: Doctor/Giles
Rating: PG
Summary: After Buffy's death, Giles returns to England where he meets with some old friends who happen to be researching lycanthropy. Legend of a cure in the walls of an old estate in Scotland lead them to the Doctor, who wasn't expecting to find another werewolf in Torchwood...

potc, hp, other, lpoh, recs, house, buffy, spn-rps

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