lotr rps recs

Jun 28, 2008 12:52


lotr rps recs


Title: A Hard Act to Follow ~ Chapter 02
Author: silvan_lady
Rating: PG to NC-17
Pairing: Viggo/Orlando
Warning: AU
Summary: A new town, a new home, a new job. Orlando thinks he has left all his
troubles behind him in the south with his beloved Eagles, only to find life, and the
people, in the north far more disturbing than they ought to be. Someone really isn't
happy to see him, but why not?

Title: Allowed
Author: PippinsPeach
Characters: EW/VM/SB, BB/EW (not sure, read and you'll see why)
Rating/Warning: PG-13, discussion of mild kink
Disclaimer: Total fiction, only in my head, but boy it's pretty!
Note: Originally written as my first attempt at contrelamontre ("show-not-tell love" challenge), but I went over the time limit and decided WTF; also this isn't a "poor little abused Elijah" story, so please don't give up on it partway through!
Summary: Understanding isn't always fun.

Title : A Tale of Ten Cities 1/2
Pairing : Sean/Viggo, additional character Ian McKellen
Rating : NC-17
Summary : Ian is on a world tour, and he keeps meeting Viggo and Sean, or isn't he ?
Authors : mooms (London, Paris, Rome) govi20 (Amsterdam, Barcelona)

Title: Bent But Not Broken
Author: Decadence and Sileya
Type: RPS
Characters: Craig/Karl
Rating: NC-17
Summary: After a terrible accident on the job, Karl needs his best friend’s support like never before.

Title: Biking Buddies
Author: Carol
Rating: NC17
Character: Viggo/Karl
Warnings: M/M sex?
Beta: Namarie
Summary: A little bike ride leads to better exercise

Author: Alex
Characters: Craig/Karl
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Uh, you all know i like Wanking fic... and Craig just popped into my head. and Karl wanted to join. so there!

Title: Chocolate Kisses
Author: Lostiawen
Characters: David Wenham / Orlando Bloom
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, none of this really happened. The author is not associated with or is implying anything about the sexual preferences or the lives of the people depicted within.
Warnings: PWP, sap, fluff.
Summary: Fluffy smut involving chocolate -- nothing more, nothing less.

Author: Decadence
Characters: Craig/Karl
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Craig comes in out of the cold to a warm welcome.

Title: Discovery
Author: rifleman_s
Characters: Sean thinks of Viggo and has no regrets . . .
Fandom: LoTR
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Just fiction, pure fiction.

Title: Keeping friends close...
Author: alilacia
Rating: R.
Pairing: Banabloom.
Warnings: One-shot.
Summary: Orlando's still a bit annoyed at Eric after the trick he pulled on set, but Eric still thinks he can
change Orlando's mind.

Title: The Sweetest Eyes
Author: Alex
Characters: Hugo Weaving and Russell Crowe
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I do not know these people and this is a complete work of fiction.
Timeline: During the filming of Proof, around 1988
Author's Note: This is for Hawk. She made a nice beggy face.
Summary: Hugo and Russell ponder the nature of their characters' relationship.


recs, rps, lotr

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