mixed recs and udated fic recs

Jun 26, 2008 15:08

mixed recs and udated fic recs

Fic: 1943 (Part II)
Author: bijoux_box
Pair: Colin Farrell & Jared Leto
Rated: NC17
About: Nearly twenty years after meeting Jared at Oxford, Colin's past weaves its way into the present
Beware: AU, antiquated Brit-speak, battle scars
Note 1: The plot, storyline & characters of this fic are loosely based on Evelyn Waugh's novel Brideshead Revisited
Note 2: Alas, this is the last chapter of this series. Thank you to all my readers who kept up with this! I really appreciate you all!

Title: A Fistful of Dollars
Author: shades_of_hades
Date: June, 2008
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/OMC, Sam/Dean, mentions of John/Dean
Warnings: Fisting, angst, prostitution, adult films? It seems like there should be more warnings in there.
Disclaimer: Dude. Seriously. Do you see fisting in the canon? No? That's what I thought.
Summary: “Hey, kid, you ever thought about making porno?”
Notes: This story refused to do what I wanted it to. I suck. Also.... because I was too lazy to read what Dean says in uh... Our Favorite Pastime, we'll just assume that if Dean does something in this that's wrong, well, then he was just being a jerk to Sam, because I suck.
Also, as always, beta'd by my lovely annabeth_fics. Without you, I'd be a bumbling idiot (because I'm not one already! \o/).

Title: Dupligoo (4/4)
Author: 805belladonna
Rating: 18
Summary: After an accident with an alien artifact from the archives, can Jack really handle 2 Iantos in his bed?
Warning: Pure unadulterated Jack & Ianto smut fluff (with added Ianto!)

Title: Do You Remember The First Time?
Author: missthingsplace
Parings/characters: Jack/Ianto.
Summary: A little something that popped in my head on the bus home from work.

Title: Calm before the storm
Fandom: Angel/Supernatural
Characters: Lindsey McDonald, Dean Winchester
Word Count: 761
Rating: R
A/N: AU after Angel's Not Fade Away and Supernatural's No Rest for the Wicked

Title: Grief (art) (Not worksafe and may offend some James/Sirius lovers, please read the warnings)
Artist: Supergirl (supes_)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Subject: James/Sirius
Rating: NC-17 for sex and partial nudity
Medium: Rough pencil sketch, cleaned up in Photoshop. References used.
Disclaimer: James Potter, Sirius Black, and the HP universe belong to J. K. Rowling. This art is not intended for underaged viewing.
Warning: NWS; angst, dubious consent... man!tears.
Notes: I like to think there is a backstory here. My version goes something like this: ( spoilers )
...Of course, that's not set in stone; it's just one possibility. Interpret this as you will, basically

Title: Goût de Métal
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: OMC/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: pre-series, underage, non-con, violence, knife-play, gore, angst
A/N: The challenge was to have Dean tied to a chair. I took it a wee bit further.
Summary: Dad would come. Dad would come.

Title: Hell, and Back
Author: Kikkimax
Fandoms: Supernatural and Criminal Minds/spn
Rating: PG-13 for language and violence
Warnings: Uh, language and violence? AU from season 2 finale in SPN, WORK IN PROGRESS
Summary: The title says it all. Sequel to Defect, you probably want to read that one first.

Title: Five times Fraser didn't fall in love (and one time he just might have)
Author: miss_zedem
Pairing: Fraser/omcs, Fraser/ofc, Fraser/Smithbauer, Fraser/Kowalski
Rating: Whatever passes for teen in your part of the world
Length: ~5000 words
Summary: Fraser's not good at letting people get close to him...
Notes: Thanks to jadesfire2808 for a stirling beta. All mistakes remain my own. Concrit welcomed and adored :)

Title: Raven Black
Author: shadowycat
Rating: PG
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Summary: The beauteous Bellatrix Black will stop at nothing to remain the best Hot Toddy maker of them all when the brilliantly talented Severus Snape challenges her for the title.
Disclaimer: Not my characters, but I love playing with them anyway. :)
Notes: This story is loosely based on Snow White and is about as AU as you could possibly get.

Title: Sisterly Love
Author: Harknessgirl
Pairings: Charlie/Colby, Don/OMC
Summary: Colby's sister comes to Town.
Beta: None, any mistakes please point them out and I will change them.

Title: The Mouse Calls...Part V
Author: ficlover
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys or Disney and make no money although...I really should. LOL
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slash, incest, a few small het moments in flashbacks, past child abuse issues (sexual), very graphic sex, two bottom!Sam moments within the whole series, but they're not long) None in this chapter. One in a chapter before this, though, and it's very short lived.
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Dean/lots of others in memories
Summary: The boys have some adult fun.
A/N: Enjoy this. I already have more chapters finished on this and will be posting them soon, but I've been mean for not updating regularly. No more. When I update you can know that I have other parts finished and updates will be regular now on unfinished fics. Thanks for sticking with me, those who have. For those I lost, I hope you make it back. :)

ats, ds, numb3rs, hp, rps, recs, spm, updates

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