mixed recs mostly lotrs-rps

Apr 21, 2008 09:47

Title: You Again!
Authors: Cas ( ) and
http://catscorner. livejournal. com/profile>*catscorner*
Crossover Fandom: BtVS/ SPN
Pairing: Cordelia/Dean
Rating: Adult, a little comedy, a tad bit of angst
Concrits: welcome in comments
http://virtualperso nal.livejournal. com/144125. html#cutid1
AN:First time writing this pairing, let us know what you think
I found a fairly new fic, story short, but worth it : posted April/12/2008
Author:Angie T
Warnings: slash, LOTR FPS,graphic violence and/or sex
Rated: Adult
Pairing: Frodo/Eomer
My Reason for reccing : hmm this wasn't a paring I would have thought of because my favorite Frodo paring
is normally Aragorn and Frodo. But I must say this small story makes me want more, I really loved it. And I hope to see more E/F recs posted soon. :D
i cross-posted this recs at lotr_fic_recs
Title: Who are you tonight?
Author: Lisa
Pairing: Orlando/Eric
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A series of role plays
Warning: Male/male sex and everything that includes. Sometimes it may seem
non-con, rough or other things, but remember it's two lovers playing games.
Feedback: Thank you may I have some more?
Disclaimer: Yeah, it would be fun
Archived: https://home.insightbb.com/~inbloom/,
http://home.comcast.net/~BloomInBabylon/, Mystifying Dreams,
http://www.livejournal.com/users/raptureinbloom anyone else just ask!
also anything by blueceltic i love her stories :D
i loved
Arizona Sunsets
From The Ashes
jack/will potcs
What Heaven Gives (wip) most likely abandoned.
Turning 1/7
Author: padawanhilary & telesilla
Fandom/Pairing: Lotrips AU, Orlando/Bean
Rating/Warnings: this part PG-13; over all NC-17; some parts are not at all vegan friendly
wtf27 prompt: 02/100 Transformation (animal)
Summary: Sean, a mercenary with a secret past, meets Orlando di Fiori, a young man with an even bigger secret.
Word Count:
Disclaimer: Not RL; didn't happen. If you think this has anything to do with the real actors involved, then you need to put down the crack pipe.

Title: The Mind’s Eye
Author: finelinezz
Rating: R
Pairing: V/O
Disclaimer: This is total fiction. I know nothing of the sexual orientation of any of the characters depicted in this story. I write merely for my own, and possibly other’s, enjoyment.
A/N: This is a very different AU for me. Please bear with me on this one. It’s an experiment of sorts for me and any mistakes are completely my own. Orlando is a young man with special gifts, who, as a child, survived a horrible incident. Viggo is a police detective who calls on Orlando for help in solving a crime.
WARNING: The beginning of this story is based on a true crime that occurred in Southern California in the 1980’s. If anyone is sensitive to this type of fic, please, please do NOT continue.
Title: Welcome Back, My Pretty Little Pirates--Arrrrr!
Author: Morgan
Pairing: Orlando Bloom/Craig Ferguson
Rating: I don't know, R-ish maybe
Disclaimer: It's not true. Except the first three and last quotes from Craig Ferguson.
A/N: I missed the whole monologue tonight because I was writing this and I didn't notice the time. Sigh
Title: The Subject
Pairing: VM/OB
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: definitely not true
Summary: Orlando is an escort specialized in S&M. Viggo is one of his clients.
Fic: Grounded
Author: Razzle (lady_razzle)
Rating: NC17
Summary: AU. A story of a future imperfect. What if the story behind Orlando’s scar was less clear-cut than in our reality?
Warnings: AU, Wingfic.
Disclaimer: Alternative universe. And trust me, it is. Completely out there.
Feedback: is crucial, especially at this point.
A/N: aleathiel gets more and more useful. Not only is she betaing once again for me, but she also came up with the bunny that spawned this one. Most useful friend ever.
Title : Adagio
Author: Nienor
Pairing : Viggo/Elijah
Summary : Viggo is interrupted while writing a poem
more naughty fics
Title: Inconvenience
Author: giselleslash
Pairing: Orlibean, with hints at V/O *gasp* ZOMG! I can’t belieeeeve it! ;P
Summary: It’s all very simple. Sean loves Orlando…and he’s oblivious, just the way we like it. This is a series of “drabbles” chronicling that obliviousness.
Disclaimer: I absolutely positively know both these men and this story is 100% true…they relayed it to me as we drank fruity island drinks and watched the sun go down in Maui as Orlando happily peed on a rock. It was grand. Lies people…all lies, unless of course you mean leis then that’s a completely different story…
Feedback: Mmm, tis fruity and delicious like my umbrella drinks!

x-over, recs, lors, orlando, buffy

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