recs for Buffy and Highlander crossover mostly

Apr 19, 2008 16:19

Title: Water Is Slate
Author: Voleuse
pairing: Oz/Xander
Title:Long Winter's Nap
Author: RabidX
pairing: Oz/Xander
Title:On A Pale Horse
Author:: Dae
aring: Spike/Methos
CATEGORY: X Over with Highlander: The Series;
SUMMARY: Well intentions and a favor to a fellow Watcher throw Adam
Pierson/Methos face to face with an old friend/foe, William The
Bloody...Mischief ensues.
SPOILER WARNING: Occurs Season 5 (written before this weeks ep, when I'd
thought Spike was older and....of a slightly different origin=)
RATING: Slash NC-17
DISCLAIMER: The characters from Buffy are the property of Joss Whedon,
Mutant Enemy, Kuzui, Sandollar, and Greenwolf Productions, 20th Century Fox,
the WB Network, and perhaps even more people who aren't little old me.
Methos belongs to the people who created Highlander: The Series (David
Abramwitz, Davis-Panzer Productions) with respect given particularly to J.
P. Couture who wrote the first Methos ep, and Tony DiFranco who wrote the
episodes that gave him depth and darkness of character. I do this with
neither their permission or any ill intent.
NOTES: Thanks to Emily who made me sit down and watch Buffy one fateful
night and Keely who was there when I saw Spike and was so verrrrry
encouraging. This was actually supposed to be a PWP, but it kinda kept going and is still going...
WARNING: I don't like Riley, I'm sorry...If you like Riley, you will not be particularly pleased with a line of this story. It's a bad line for him. Very bad. In fact, it couldn't be worse. Unless he sees Miracle Max and gets a chocolate covered umm...yes. Well. That's another crossover.
Anyways, just thought I should warn you.
Title: The Rhymer and the Ancient Mariner
Author: spikeNdru
Rating: r-nc-18
Pairing: Spike/Methos
Warnings: M/M slash; nothing else excessive.
Summary: After getting his soul, Spike runs into the world's oldest man who helps him deal with his soul-induced guilt. Takes place during the summer between Seasons 6 and 7 of BtVS.
Cordy slash , thats cordy/all women in canon cast
Title: I Remember You Not Fondly ( this goes to show you can't always judge a fic on first impressoins, Honestly i thought i'd hate, but was suprized I like it a lot..well I love higlander and forevernight so i guess thats why. :D)
Author: Mistress of the Darkwood
Rated: R
Summary: When Methos' past becomes part of his present, the consequences could be deadly for those close to him. Uses the 'Mirror, Mirror' concept from Star Trek. Crossover with Forever Knight. Methos, MirrorMethos, Kronos, Silas, Duncan, LaCroix
On vacation in Mexico on the Day of the Dead, Methos runs into a former CIA agent whose life has just taken a turn for the really, really broken. Crossover
by Laylah
Mexican Holiday
Creative Sportsmanship
by Laylah
Sequel to "Mexican Holiday." Methos teaches Sands the rules of the Immortals' game. People die, things catch fire, and there is kinky sex.
Title :Loss and Gain
Rating: NC-17 for graphic male-male sex
Pairings: Duncan MacLeod/Methos, Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg, and another pairing
Disclaimer: "Highlander: The Series" and "The Sentinel," with their related characters and themes, do not belong to me. I make no money from this venture.
Dedication: This slashfic is for Ewan McGregor.
Wherein the reader will meet Mr. Yodels, a little pheremone factory, and someone you mistakenly thought MacLeod killed
Title : Winter's Kiss
by Morgan
Pairing : Joe /Methos
Title: Brought to Heel: A Codpiece Ripper
Author: JiM and Piper
Category: Slash
Pairing: Duncan MacLeod/Adam Pierson
Warning: NC-17, Some flogging, non-consensual m/m sex, a little gore.
Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine, they are borrowed with deep respect and absolutely no intention of copyright infringement.
Feedback: Yes, please. My email address is to the left, or again at the bottom of the story. All flames will be giggled over and added to our "Spam-Wrath of God"
Title: It's Probably Me
Author: Jim
Pairing: None/ DM/M later. Joe/ofc
Warning: PG-13 -- just straight gen fic, folks. A little violence, a little sex.
Summoner's Tales" and also does not belong to me. The characters of MacLeod, Richie Ryan, Joe Dawson and Methos all belong to Rysher, Panzer/Davis
Title: After Archangel
Author: JiM
Category: Slash
Pairing: Joe Dawson/Methos

recs, crossovers, hl, buffy

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