Bottom!castiel rec list

Feb 27, 2011 14:03


Bottom!castiel rec list

Title: A Fleeting, Not Frozen, Moment With You
Pairings/Characters: Dean/Cas, Sam
Rating: NC-17
Summary: After Castiel loses his grace, the Winchesters decide to break him into hunting as a human with a simple hunt in Iowa. However, things quickly go wrong, leaving Dean and Cas trapped. With Cas too new to his human body and time running out, Dean must take drastic action to keep them alive. Freezer!fic.

Title: Army
Author: HigherMagic
Pairings: Demon!Dean/Fallen!Castiel, Dean/Demon!Sam
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The armies are massing on all sides.

Title: Blinded By The Light Complete
Author: ekbe_vile
Pairing: Dean/Castiel, previous Lucifer/Castiel.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Angst, sex, puke, cheesy ending, mentions of past non-con.
Summary: Dean can’t bear to watch, to sit by and do nothing as his friend fights this new agony.

Title: Bonnie & Clyde(snuff fic, way..dark fic)
Author: HigherMagic
Rated: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Dean/OFC
Warnings: Language, Smex, Psychopath!Murderer!Dean and Castiel who vibes on that. Contains descriptions of and deals with non-con and character death, but of an OFC.
Summary:Zomg, so you know that movie 'Sorority Row'? Well, the final death scene just got my muse going frantic inside her glass cage. (Yeah, I keep her in a cage. She'll trash the place otherwise >.>) And basically, this is what came out in my head. Enjoy

Title: Bound
Author: waiting4noexit
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: BDSM, public sex, writing on the body, threesome, brief OMC, rough sex
Summary: Dean's used to getting fat old businessmen when it comes to his job providing bondage sex for a price. So when Castiel is his next client, he's understandably excited.

Title: For The Grace Of...
Author: elementalv
Pairing: Dean/Cas, Sam/Gabriel (UST)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Dean is pretty sure his day is going from bad to worse, but then again, Dean’s been wrong before.

Title: Host
Author: highermagic
Pairings: Demon!Dean/Fallen!Castiel, Dean/Demon!Sam, mentions of Sam/Fallen!Gabriel
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Time to share the spoils of their victory.
Notes/Warnings: Lots of bloody, gory, evil boys doing stuff to each other. Mpreg.

Title:Hurricane Burning
Author: Shattered Siren
Rating: NC-17.
Warnings: blood-play, slash, sex scenes, swearing
Disclaimer: Supernatural is not mine. I am not that smart, believe me.

Title: Kitchen, Impala, Upstairs
Author: lizzstomania
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Cas, OFC
Summary: Sex in the kitchen, sex in the Impala, non-sex in the bedroom.

Title: Like Spinning Plates
Author: ekbe_vile
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Summary: And Dean turns Castiel’s head so easily to the side, baring his throat--bends to lick a stripe along the angel’s racing pulse, breathes hot and damp in his ear. “What you want,” he smiles, “is deniability.”

Title: Instinct
Author: HigherMagic
Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Gabriel
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Werewolf/Were-cat AU. The Pack meld is going ahead, and though it's not going exactly smoothly, that's the least of Dean's problems.

Title: In Holy Lockdown
Author: castiels_shadow
Rating: NC17
Summary: Castiel seeks Revelation in an empty church yet finds it in Dean instead.

Title: Malachai
Author: HigherMagic
Pairings: Demon!Dean/Fallen!Castiel, Dean/Demon!Sam, Castiel/Balthazar (past)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Malachai's wings are ready now.

Title:Numb (not read)
Author: blackrosefire11
Warnings: Angst, abuse. Sex. Drugs.Angst/Abuse. Future!Dean and Future!Cas. Based off of episode 4 of season 5.
Summary: After the Apocolypse, Dean grew more and more abusive. Castiel doubts that Dean really feels affection for him before. He's an object now.
A/N: First SPN drabble.

Title: Party Time
Author: bballgirl3022
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Dean/Castiel and Sam/Gabriel
Summary: Castiel promises his brother he will attend his party. He assumes it will be another one of Gabriel’s wild parties, until Castiel meets Dean and his night changes completely.

Title: Prodigal(not read)
Author: waiting4noexit
Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sam gets hit by a f***-or-die spell... only it's more like f***-Cas-or-die. Dean doesn't find the idea of his brother screwing his boyfriend all that appealing.

Title: Raising Hell (Or Not) 9/?
Author: vivhasarifle
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Oh, by the way, your father’s an angel…

Title: Redemption (14/?)
Authors: adarkerheaven
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Summary: When Castiel brought Dean up from Hell, he lost his grace in the process and fell to Earth. Still retaining some of his angelic qualities, demons went on the hunt for him. He was saved by the Winchester brothers, who quickly learn his fall may have not have been an accident.

Title: Swapping Instant Messages (With an Angel of the Lord)
Author: castiels_shadow
Pairing: Dean/Castiel,
Rating: NC17
Warnings: None Apply
Word Count: 3603 words
Summary: Dean is bored and instigates a round of dirty messages via Instant Messaging with Castiel. This leads to some pretty heated sex in the Impala.

Title: There's No Need For Bonds
Author: jubleh
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Just another night of kinky sex.

Title: The Art of Storm Riding
Author: immortal_lights
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Summary: Castiel contemplates and then takes action.

Title: The Ghosts of Dean Winchester's Christmas, pt. 1
Author: Ryann Blackwood
Rating: NC-17
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Summary: Dean is visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve, who help him come to some important realizations about himself and those he loves.

Title: Time's Up(not read)
Author: HigherMagic
Pairings: Demon!Dean/Fallen!Castiel, Dean/Demon!Sam
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3,100
Spoilers: None (This is AU)
Summary: Dean has to choose.
Notes/Warnings: Lots of bloody, gory, evil boys doing stuff to each other. Mpreg. Contemplation of forced abortions. Child cruelty.
Unbeta’d. All mistakes are my own.

Title: Three First Times
Author: To Be Revealed
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Summary: There‘s a first time for everything and Dean Winchester experiences three first times - a first time on a date, a first time pursuing a proper relationship and a first time at parenting. Luckily, all three first times all occur with Castiel.

Title: Unfinished Business
Author: castiels_shadow
Pairing: Slash, Dean/Castiel,
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Dean falls asleep in the library and is woken by Castiel, who is interested in spending some alone time with the hunter.

Title: United, We Fall
Author: highermagic
Pairings: Demon!Dean/Fallen!Castiel, Dean/Demon!Sam
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Castiel's not going to leave Dean down there.

Title:Whenever you need me
Author: Electrolitestar
Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sam and Dean convince Castiel to help them on a case involving some local priests getting murdered. When Castiel dresses the part for the job, it causes some complications for Sam and Dean.

Title: Where Have You Been
Author: angelshandprint
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: R
Warnings: angst, mild violence, sex, first time
Spoilers: all aired episodes since S4
Summary: Their first time should never have been like this. An attempt to get myself over the huge, ugly block in generally everything involving being creative, fics, videos, even flower arranging damn it. I'm afraid that Little Angel won't be updated until I'm over it. Also, to let out some of the things in my head right now. Enjoy!

Title: When we dream
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Dean thinks witches are bitches, except for when they're kind of (maybe) not. Like - right now, with Cas' wings spilling out under him and his blue eyes both sweet and demanding; his voice fractured and the both of them drunk on pleasure.

Title: Wrecked
Author: emilythestrong
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Summary: Written for the kinkmeme, the prompt was: "Dean gets whammied by witch and ends up having to do everything people tell him to do whether he wants to or not. Things get interesting when Cas shows up and Sam or Bobby says something sarcastic like "Jeez, why don't you two just kiss and get it over with." or something to that effect. Dean is forced to act on his feelings for Cas. It would be great if, at some point, Dean asks Cas to order him to kiss him." Link in the title

Older recs



A Lesson in Laundry by livetoconfuzzle (Dean/Castiel)
Summary:- A late night laundry session leads to more than just washing for Castiel and Dean.

Anything for Dean by HigherMagic (Dean/Castiel)
Warnings: Heavy angst, bloodshed, sadism, masochism, blind devotion, wing-porn, torture and rough sex.
Summary: Castiel will do anything it takes to stop Dean's self-destructive attitude. Whatever happens. Anything for Dean.

Aschenflügel by liadan14 (Dean/Castiel)Implied rape
Summary: Loosely based on Grimm’s Cinderella. Once upon a time, a merchant’s wife gave birth to a little boy named Castiel, who was perfect in all ways, right down to the beautiful black wings sprouting out of his back. However, in a country still fighting the phobia of human-to-animal shapeshifters, not everyone agrees, and when his mother dies, Castiel is left at the hands of his stepfather Zachariah, who doesn’t condone non-human traits despite being part-bird himself.ügel

Beseechingly I Come by xela-fic. (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Cas is quiet in everything he does, including sex, nothing more than slight sighs on the midnight breeze if Dean lets him get away with it. Dean likes making him scream into the night. (For kink_bingo.)

Beneath the Clothes by Shadow_Of_Castiel (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Castiel has a secret only Dean knows, which is utilised later in the day. PWP.

Body Impulses by princess_aleera (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: One should never piss off fairies. Or Gabriel.

Cardinal Sin by miss-lv (Dean/Castiel)au human

Castiel's Addiction by stephfreak92 (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Castiel has a new addiction, the world wide web.

Confession (it's kind of like porn, in a way) by moonlettuce (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: It's been three weeks since Castiel's last confession...

Color Me Descending by antiquitydreams(Dean/Castiel)

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by wolfrider89(Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Sergeant Dean Winchester expects to hate whatever journalist they assigned to his team. Castiel Adams expects to hate the three weeks spent around nothing but military people. It goes nothing like they thought it would, and they find themselves growing closer by the minute. But will misunderstandings and fear break them apart?

Don't Mess with the Zohan Cupid . . .by livetoconfuzzle (Dean/Castiel)
Summary:- Dean upset Cupid, Cupid having been hurt takes revenge, Cas gets caught in the crossfire.

Eloise by Shadow_Of_Castiel (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Castiel lays an egg after spending a night with Dean.

Floating in Space by hellozombies (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Cas frowns at him. “I don’t understand why you’re going slow.”
“You’re a virgin, numnut. I’m trying to be nice here.”

Fulcrum by Annie D (Castiel/Dean/Sam)
Summary: This is how Sam bonds with an angel.
Summary: According to Castiel's logic, they're all brothers anyway.

"Heaven Is A Synonym For Ecstasy" by Rehymenated_67 (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: No longer able to breathe, Cas is certain that he is drowning in immorality, and he just can not force himself to care anymore.

Here We Are Again by xephwrites D (Castiel/Dean/Sam)
Summary: Dean is still an exhibitionist, Sam gets a bit more of the action, and Cas is still a slut.

Hold the Heavens From the Earth by someblazingstar(Castiel/Dean/Sam)
Summary: Dean closes the bathroom door on the sight of one of Sam’s hands, low and huge on Castiel’s belly, reassuring words cut off by the heavy wood.

I Got My Trenchcoat and My Shades On by vaderina(Dean/Castiel)

If At First You Don’t Succeed, Reach For The Holy Oil by (Castiel/Dean)
Summary: Sam just wants them to get together. Gabriel wants it to be more of a…spectacle. In the end, though, some of the simplest solutions are everyone’s favorite ‘Plan B’.

Interrupted by vaderina(Dean/Castiel)
Summary: There is no summary as there is no plot. Well, maybe Dean interrupts Castiel's alone time?

Is That Normal? by Shadow_Of_Castiel(Dean/Castiel)
Summary:Castiel is cursed by a witch and subsequently grows a tail. Dean finds he's more turned on by that than he first imagines. PWP. ;D

Kissing It Bitter by strangeandcharm (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Castiel is afflicted, and Dean has a very difficult choice to make.
Third Time’s The Charm
Hero Worship

Journey's Course by tracy-loo-who(Dean/Castiel)character death
Summary: The story of a boy and his angel.

Lazy Morning, Active Eveningby vaderina (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Lazy morning sex followed by dirty dancing.

Let Him Kiss Me With The Kisses Of His Mouthby fay jay(Dean/Castiel)virgin!Cas.
Summary:Being a response to the following prompt:After running away from demons' trap, Dean and Cas hide in a church. Sadly, Asmodai, demon of lust, knows exactly where they are and casts a spell on the church. And things get a bit... hot inside. For Dean, anyway. Dean/Castiel. First time. under-a-spell!Dean fucking virgin!Cas. Rough sex, may be a bit bloody, Dean fucking Castiel from behind with Cas leaning on the altar.

Man in Uniform by MA (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Neither know why Castiel is wearing a school girl uniform, but Dean's not about to pass such an opportunity up.

Never Let You Go by the-miss-lv(Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Spnkink_meme prompt: Castiel is in love with a straight Dean, Dean knows it and abuses their friendship slightly/completely but never sexually.Castiel is joining the priesthood and the night before he takes his oaths/vows Dean realizing how emotionally depended he is on Castiel suddenly forces himself on Cas, intending to ruin/spoil/shame Castiel until god doesn't want him. DomDean, Rough, Messy, DubCon, NonCon, DirtyTalk, Humiliation, if possible an unexpected happy ending would be epic. Bonus points if Castiel fights it at first but ends up loving the rough nature. A million points if Castiel is a virgin.

No Handsies by emerald_embers (Dean/Castiel)
Dean/Castiel: I'm looking for something where the UST that's been building and building has finally exploded all over the place and now every time Castiel shows up they can't keep their hands off each other. Bonus points for Sam being in the room and having to make a hasty exit every time they start getting hot and heavy. Can be cracky or schmoopy, but should definitely be porny.

No Illusions in the Way by secondplatypus(Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Dean walks in on Castiel with his wings out. Adorable shenanigans and sexy-times ensue, complete with handprint kink, virgin!Castiel, protective!Dean, Enochian, and a little hit of grace. (Casfest fic, written for heavenlyxbodies)

Of curses and fog by cassandra-leeds (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Lust Curse/Mate-Or-Die scenario, Dean and Cas get struck with a lust curse while they're on their own on a job. PWP, to be honest, but there you have it.

Oh So Eager For It by xlibrarianettex (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Smut Student!Dean and Teacher!Cas… I think that says it all.

Open Your Heart by cassandra-leeds (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Dean and Cas are stuck in a love hotel and only one thing can get them out of Gabriel's trick-will it be worth the price?

Paradise Circus by nanoochka (Dean/Castiel)
Summary:"Technology made simple, his ass. Castiel could operate the Antikythera mechanism with more accuracy." Dean tries to help Sam get laid with the help of a pretty unusual prop; he inadvertently turns Cas on to the magic of Massive Attack and Apple products.

Piercing the Veil by Lady Eternal (Dean/Castiel)

Playtime by HigherMagic(Castiel/Dean/Sam)
Summary: Dean gets this whole wing to himself, and a couple of months ago he caught an Angel, and got to train him and play with him. Now, it’s time for the debut.

Point Dexter by MA(Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Castiel joins Dean and Sam during an investigation and decides part of his disguise will be a pair of glasses. This is extremely distracting for Dean.

Re-Occurring Irreverence by (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: In which Dean trains his angel on a more obscure human tradition.

Restrain Me by ashinan (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: There were a lot of things Dean had to teach his angel. Apparently it was time to learn bondage.

Sanctification by buoy (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: "Morning after" fluff.

Searching for the Whereabouts of Happiness by (Dean/Castiel)

Senseless by tiptoe39(Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Castiel’s new, fully human body isn’t behaving the way he thought it would.

S'mores by Shadow_Of_Castiel(Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Dean needs to escape life for a while, so hikes out into the forest, shows Castiel how to make s'mores and makes love to his angel.
This Time, Baby by twentysomething (Dean/Castiel)

Something Different, But Really The Same by xlibrarianettex (Dean/Castiel) Student!Dean and Teacher!Cas
Summary: Student!Dean and Teacher!Cas are taking the next step in their forbidden relationship
Author's Note 1: This is the 5th installment of my "Oh Yes, You Do, Mr. Novak" High School AU 'verse. I really got to find a shorter name for it!

Tell Me didn't Beat Church by (Dean/Castiel)au, human fic
Summery:- Two Prompt Fullfilling from deancaskinkmeme smooshed togeather, (see undercut for full description of Prompts) Basic gist:- Cas just wanted to go to church, Dean just wanted the sex!

The Colour of Sound by vaderina (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Dean had always been able to see sounds.
What if Dean has synesthesia?

The Daily Grind by HigherMagic(Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Castiel Novak, down on his luck and in desperate need of money, does to a porn suite that will give him $1000 for a good day's work. There he meets Dean Winchester, a man who's about to rock his world.

The Hazing by livetoconfuzzle (Dean/Castiel) au, human fic

The many different smiles by wolfrider89 (Dean/Castiel)
Summary: It starts with a smile. It's pretty much pwp
The Consequences of Falling by FayJay(Dean/Castiel)
Summary: A story in fifteen parts, in which the angel Castiel finds himself put in an untenable position, and consequentially loses his grace. .

This One Time, at Band Camp . . . by livetoconfuzzle(Dean/Castiel)
Summary:- Thanks to 'American Pie' we all know what really goes on at band camp, this is the Dean/Castiel version, Call it both boys are 17. . .

To High Places By Narrow Roads by (Dean/Castiel)AU, dub-con..slavery(not read)
Summary: Slave AU. Dean is a lonely businessman who buys an angel on a whim.

Waking to Wings by Shadow_Of_Castiel(Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Dean wakes to Castiel's wings surrounding him and indulges in sleepy morning sex.

We Could Have Tomorrow by parapluies(Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Figures it should take a damn apocalypse for Dean to finally get it.

Working Vacation by linda92595(Dean/Castiel)
Summary: Dean finds Castiel two weeks after his disappearance and they end up going on a case at a resort in California while Sam and Bobby work a case in colder climates.

West of Sudan by Shadow_Of_Castiel(Dean/Castiel)
Summary:Dean, Castiel and Sam hunt a were-tiger leading to Dean and Castiel engaging in "Thank God you survived!" sex

We've Come Too Far, Mr. Novak



20/20 Vision by evil-knitter (Sam/Castiel)
Summary- Sam spends time watching Cas, but it takes time before he truly sees the angel. Cas helps him clear his vision.

Abomination by Anon(Sam/Castiel, Dean/Castiel)

All I’ve Got to Give by rockstarpeach (Sam/Castiel)
Summary: Castiel thinks he’s too good for relationships, and Dean is terrified of them. They both fall hard and fast, even though they try to fight it, and the imbalance of power that results after Castiel tries to force Dean into staying with him, when Dean decides things are going too far, makes it even harder for them to have something real.

Ars Bromantica by lassiterfics (Sam/Castiel)

Completely Pleased by softlyunsung (Sam/Castiel)

Giving Away Control by anon (Sam/Castiel)

I wanna do bad things to youby anon (Sam/Castiel)
SummaryFamine is kicking in and Sam wants more than just demon blood. Things start to get complicated when it turns out not to have been a one time thing, though. Sam/Castiel.

Maybe the sky will fall by mournthewicked (Sam/Castiel)
Summary: “I feel good... when I’m with you,” Sam confesses in a broken whisper. “And isn’t that fucked up?”

Theory Versus Practical Application by endorphineHaze(Sam/Castiel)
Summary: Castiel asks Sam for some lessons on how to have...inter relations.
Thanks to moonofblindness for betaing this thing and thank you xephwrites for the awesome title :)

The Smile of a Local Man by(Sam/Castiel)
Summary: Cas is feeling things now as a human does. He wants to not disappoint him. But he also wants to take so much from him, from his fine slender body, because this is it.

The New Bond by fallingemerald (Sam/Castiel)
Summary: Sam's got this itch on his back, Castiel has an explanation...sort of?

The Unicorn's Guide to Tactical Distraction by secondplatypus(Sam/Castiel)
Summary: Sam, Castiel, two tricksters, a unicorn, and sex pollen.

What Keeps You Awake by anon (Sam/Castiel)



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