The Unicorn's Guide to Tactical Distraction (Sam/Castiel)

Oct 15, 2010 05:05

Title: The Unicorn's Guide to Tactical Distraction
Pairing: Sam/Castiel with a smattering of implied Dean/Gabriel
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Shameless crack, language, rough/explicit sex, very slight AU, pwp, and sparkly unicorn naughtytime dust (and the consent issues therein).
Spoilers: 5.19 (Gabriel's alternate identity). Set in the middle of season 5, shortly after the events of 5.08.
Word Count: 1383
Disclaimer: Supernatural and all characters therein are the property of Eric Kripke and the WB/CW, I'm just borrowing them for my own nefarious purposes.

Summary: Sam, Castiel, two tricksters, a unicorn, and sex pollen.

Author's Note: This is one of four short fics won by misura in my gulf_aid_now auction. One of her four prompts was: "Sam/Castiel. Unicorns."
and this happened. I make no excuses for the filth in my mind and the insane in my membrane.

- The unicorn here is Sleipnir, one of Loki's children, in disguise, because this seems even more delicious if Gabriel's son made them do it. Yeah, he's supposed to be Odin's eight-legged steed, but piffle. Canon doesn't stand a chance in the face of my authorial might! So here, Sleipnir is a shape-shifting Trickster horse. Because I can.
Since Gabriel's identity as Loki is hidden from everyone in the pagan pantheons, his son doesn't know his father is an archangel, so when I'm focused on Sleipnir's perspective, I refer to Gabriel as Loki.

face to face, and back to back

you see and feel my sex attack

Sleipnir chuckled softly to himself as he listened to the sounds of the man and the angel stumbling through the thick underbrush behind him. When he'd kidnapped Dean at his father's request, Loki had tasked him with distracting Sam and Castiel for a while, as well, so there would be no risk of interruption during Loki's time with the elder Winchester. At the sight of his son in full unicorn getup, complete with a beautifully shaped horn and shining, flowy mane, Loki had laughed, petting his flank affectionately before sending him on his way.

Unfortunately for the younger trickster, keeping Sam and Castiel occupied was proving to be much more complex and dangerous than he had anticipated. There was a little problem with taking on the form of a mythical creature - namely, the fact that said beastie's legendary powers would apply to one for as long as one occupied its skin. Sleipnir had chosen the unicorn for two reasons, the primary one being that a unicorn could only be touched by a virgin and the secondary one having to do with the twinkly horn and his own personal amusement. He'd assumed that, given the company the angel kept, the he would be well versed in sins of the flesh, and when Sleipnir saw the unmistakable silvery glow of physical purity surrounding him, he'd cursed in every language he knew - if that damned virgin angel could get a lock on his location and teleport to him, Sleipnir could end up in serious trouble. Instead of keeping the distraction limited to a simple chase through the woods, he'd ended up having to lay a trap for the pair; luckily, Sam and Castiel didn't seem to have a second thought in their heads about following him wherever he went, and they were walking right into it. The trickster grinned as he trotted deeper into the dense trees, purposefully kicking up vegetation to give them an easy trail to follow. In less than ten minutes, he'd be perfectly safe.


One of Sam's layers snagged on a piece of foliage for what seemed like the hundredth time. They'd been running through the forest for an hour and Castiel hadn't had a single issue with his trenchcoat. Sam, on the other hand, was convinced that the forest had some sort of personal vendetta against either him or plaid flannel, and was intentionally poking, prodding, and tangling him up at every possible turn.
He cursed, yanking ineffectively at the offending piece of clothing and muttering something about stupid horses.

Castiel pulled Sam's overshirt free of the low-hanging branch.
"Your nomenclature is incorrect. I believe we are following a unicorn."

Sam shot Castiel a first-class bitchface before striding off, following the path of tracks and broken branches left behind by Sleipnir. The nigh-impenetrable thatch of trees and shrubs abruptly cleared, giving way to an open, mossy space with rays of sunlight filtering down through the canopy of leaves above. At the far edge of the space, their quarry stood, his horn and mane glinting as he turned his head slightly. Sam and Castiel rushed forward, failing to notice the sigils carved into the trunks surrounding the glade until it was too late. The unicorn looked straight at them and, with triumphant mischief sparkling in its eyes, stomped a hoof three times. The air grew heavy, carrying the sound of low, rich laughter as the world around Sam and Castiel exploded in a shower of pearly, whitish-pink dust that knocked them to the ground.

When the shimmering cloud cleared, Sam was immediately aware of two things - the erection attempting to pop the seam on his jeans and the angel looking at him with a positively predatory expression on his face.

Castiel crawled towards Sam, his deep blue eyes flickering with desire.
Angel of the Lord, a little voice in the back of Sam's head screamed, that's an angel of the fucking Lord and he's obviously not himself right now so don't you touch him!
Sam backed away, desperately trying to ignore the throbbing ache in his lower belly that grew stronger with each passing second.
He was stopped by the solid mass of a tree behind him, and before he had a chance to move around it, Castiel was on top of him, graceful hands making their way up his thighs, followed by the heat radiating from Castiel's body.

Sam's heart skipped a beat as Castiel nuzzled his bulge before continuing up, ripping buttons off his overshirt and mouthing at a nipple through the thin, clingy material of his tee before tearing it off.
"I... you... Cas!"
Castiel returned his attention to Sam's chest, nipping and sucking at Sam's tattoo in a way that made it damn difficult for him to remember what he was trying to say.
"Cas, we shouldn-"

Castiel raised his head, fixing Sam with an unblinking stare.
"You talk too much," the angel growled, surging forward to crush their mouths together.

As time passed, the effects of the dust they'd inhaled were amplifying. Desire roiled within Sam, he felt as though he'd been lit on fire, and every square inch of him cried out for touch. The insistent slide of Castiel's lips and tongue, combined with the pressure of the lithe body against his painfully hard cock, was too good to resist.
Sam rolled his hips, grinding against the curve of Castiel's ass and groaning at the friction.

Their clothing disappeared, dissolving into thin air with a brief flare of grace that stirred behind Castiel's eyes.
The feel of Castiel's skin, soft and smooth and burning against his bare cock, was sublime to the point of ecstasy; a sensation so overpowering, Sam nearly forgot how to breathe. His lips fastened on Castiel's collarbone, crushing and sucking as a low, needy moan wrenched itself from the angel's throat.
"Fuck me."
The mouth against Castiel's skin curved into a wicked smile as Sam ducked lower, dragging his teeth over Castiel's chest before catching the hard peak of a nipple between them.
Castiel fisted a hand in Sam's hair, severing the contact with preternatural force. Sam had a second to take in the body splayed above him, pale and taut and beautiful, before the back of his head was forced up to meet Castiel's lust-blown gaze.
"Fuck me, Sam. Do not make me ask you again."

Another grace-flare conjured up a bottle of lube in Sam's hand.
He poured some on his fingers, reaching around the juncture of their bodies to prepare Castiel, who glared and batted his hand away.
"That is unnecessary."

Sam slicked his cock, lining himself up with Castiel's entrance.
With an impatient snarl, slender hips slammed into Sam, sheathing his erection in wet, impossibly tight heat. Castiel felt fucking perfect, and every one of Sam's nerves sang when Castiel began to ride him. Huge hands molded to the lines of Castiel's ass, sinking into velvety skin as Sam lifted the angel, pulling him back down on his cock in time with the pounding rhythm of Sam's thrusts.

Torrents of obscenities poured from their lips, punctuated by the sharp slap of flesh as they bit and scratched and bruised each other, lost in the feral passion of the trickster's spell.

Gabriel watched them from the edge of the clearing, one of his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline at the sight of Castiel bending himself in ways that blatantly violated the laws of human anatomy. He had no idea how his little brother's vessel had come to be that flexible; even after millennia on Earth, some things still surprised him.
He fished around in his pocket for a lollipop, unwrapping the candy and popping it into his mouth as he contemplated the scene before him. Sleipnir had done his job perfectly; the magic he'd woven around the pair was just getting started, and by the looks of things they'd each have to come at least four times before it wore off.

The trickster-archangel deliberately dropped the brightly colored wrapper in the middle of the path that had led them to the circle of trees before disappearing with a snap of his fingers. Sam and Castiel were going to be occupied for quite some time, and he had a Winchester of his own to attend to.

kink: bottom!cas, rating: nc-17, fanfiction, supernatural, kink: consent issues (sex pollen), pairing: sam/castiel, genre: sex pollen, kink: hair pulling, genre: pwp, kink: rough sex

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