
May 15, 2007 15:30

Okay lesson learned.  Don't press question marks after writing long opinion piece and before posting.  Everything gone.  Why doesn't lj open help in a pop up window or in a new tab.  I just finished spilling my guts about O&A getting suspended by XM radio and the death of individuality because of political correctness and it's all gone.  Just because I wanted to check one little help thing before posting.  Warn a person next time please.

The jist of it all was that O&A were suspended which just showed the hypocrisy of a company that hires a show knowing what they are all about and then acting shocked when they do something shocking.  Just ridiculous if you ask me.  I'll also be suspending myself from XM radio for 30 days because I laughed at the very thing that got them suspended.  Besides the only reason I got XM Radio was to listen to O&A.  I am an adult who learned very early on if I didn't like something then change the channel or turn off the tv.  I assume the same would go to radio. 
And before you start dear reader, I am black and a female(Let me clearly state AL SHARPTON DOES NOT REPRESENT ME).  Unlike a lot of women out there I enjoy dirty humor, porn jokes. dirty pictures, even the occassional fart jokes.  After all why should men have all the fun.  I would prefer to listen to O&A any day that go shopping for clothes, shoes, getting my hair done, knitting...

I'm afraid political correctness will be the downfall of America and all it stands for.  Political correctness is a tool by people to manipulate the system so they can tell us what to watch, listen to, what to do.  Let's face it, today 'shock jocks' tomorrow rap music, before you know it we'll be back to burning books just because of the content.

O&A is a program I pay for.  I resent someone presuming to tell me I can't listen to it because they don't like the content.  Pretty soon the only thing we'll be able to do is watch are non generic cartoons and listen to idol pop.  so much for freedom, I'm taking my flag down.

o & a, lj help, political correctness, xm radio

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