A letter of deep and abiding hatred

Dec 31, 2007 23:23

Dear Microsoft Word,

I have been using various incarnations of you for the past decade and change and I have found you to be ubiquitous and not particularly effective. I can't seem to start up a computer without seeing your charming little "W" on the screen, but at the same time there are certain things that I just can't accomplish using you that I think word processing software should make standard. Like the ability to format text. That would be nice.

I apparently made a grave mistake in not writing my entire manuscript within your hallowed confines and now that I seek to indent and double space the document, you are making me pay and pay and pay. Why yes, you will certainly allow me to put a tab at the beginning of the very first paragraph. However, hitting the tab key to indent subsequent paragraphs causes you to indent the entire document, which is not my intention at all. There is apparently no way to fix this and multiple searches of your Format pull-down window have been fruitless in rectifying the situation.

And so, on this lovely New Year's Eve, I sit staring at WordPad, making my manuscript more easily readable for the edits later this month. My wonderful husband made this suggestion and I am glad that he did so. It has saved me so much frustration.

Also, Clippy is a strange and freakish creature that is as liable to scare small children as he is to actually be of any use to me. I know how to write a letter, thanks. Please remove him from subsequent versions. I think this is a request that has been coming down the tube for years. But somehow, I doubt anyone is listening.

Just another wonderful product of Microsoft.

No love,


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