And NOW for NaNo...

Oct 31, 2007 20:12

I'm leaving for the midnight write-in at 9:30. That's about an hour and a half from now. I still have to get on my costume (I'm going as a gypsy :P) and gather my stuff, but I'm basically ready.

My characters are already talking to me. I think Rook has a serious crush on Lark, which I sort of saw but didn't really expect. I'm not sure if I'm going to turn him away from that or not. Probably will, simply because I need them all to have a sibling relationship rather than a romantic one. Too many problems. Lark told me what she looked like. In pretty exacting detail, actually. Hawk's being quiet, though I think he might be about to be sick. That would actually... work really well, the more that I think about it.

The outline is finished, done a few days ago during my lunch break at Sonic. I cried a bit, from the emotional impact of the ending that I love, the prospect of finishing, and the fact that I think this story is really good.

I got antsy yesterday and today and made a crib sheet for my novel. Full-on design mode, with color-coded shields for each character's name and under it their characteristics and motivation. I've got the first quarter of the plot outline along the right side and the bottom half has place names, a plot synopsis, minor character names, and the motivation of the main antagonist. It's such dorkery that I'm surprised I'm letting myself do it. But it was so fun and I got to play with colors and gradients and I do love that so much :P.

Oh, and I must take this opportunity to spread the love: If you haven't already bought the Orange Box (available for either PC or Xbox), do so immediately and play Portal. This is one of the best games I've played in a year or more. It's a puzzle game combined with a first-person shooter, only there's less violence and no other players. Using your portal gun, you can create portals, two at a time, which are connected to each other. Go in one portal, come out the other and vice versa. This can be used to accelerate objects (or yourself) by falling out of a portal high on the wall or ceiling and then opening a portal beneath you. Conservation of movement and all that jazz and you get flung either high into the air or across the room. It's a blast. The setting is also particularly cool. You are a test subject (there are no instructions for the game; everything you know about it comes from playing) in an educational research facility. The AI that apparently runs the place talks to you and gives you directions, but that's it. There are no other people. Aside from seeing yourself through a portal, you it's hard to tell humans even exist in this place. Anyway, the AI (GLaDOS) promises you cake at the end of your 19-course test. So you have a goal, you see. Only GLaDOS is sort of mad. As in "we're all mad here" and whatever scientists were here have apparently evacuated (or been evacuated). It's sort of surreal, but also full of all sorts of strange, dark humor. And there's a song at the end. Best. Song. Evar. I may have to get a Weighted Companion Cube icon. Oh, man, that'd be awesome. But that's for after tonight. Because NaNo comes first.

Obviously, I'm saying all this because I can't play Portal all during November!!!!! Because if I do, I won't write. And that would be bad. And dumb of me. So no. No Portal instead of writing. Whew. Ok, that's out :P.

Ok, off to put on my costume and pack up my stuff. This is going to be a good night. I can feel it :D.


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