
May 04, 2007 21:26

Long time no talk...Well...I am going home for the summer tonight, I am so very happy. It's been a long week of exams and packing, but it's over now and the best is yet to come. This will be a good summer! I plan on working alot and getting some money so I can actually do some stuff next year instead of sitting here bitching about how I have no monies. I have all these plans, so hopefully they will all happen and I can have a great school free 3 months. I passed all of my classes, I got all b's except for math...that was a c...it makes me sad cause I actually tried in that class, but yeh...logical math is not my cup of tea. Although, I could have done better in all my classes, but I had a slight distraction...love you boo! =P Anyways, just wanted to say that summer is here and I won't have internet, so I may be scarce for a while, but it's still okay for you to leave me some love to come back to!

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