Mar 22, 2007 00:08
So okay. I finally have the oppurtunity to give in to my motivation to update the world on my life. As many of you know, some of you have yet to know...I wish to explain my away message of "Worst day ever"
On Monday, I had debated as to whether or not I wanted to do my teaching observations, but I decided to get my ass up and go. I get to my car at 7:30am and I see that I have received a parking ticket at 7:18. So that starts off my day, but at that point I was too tired to even care. I get in my car and I go down the road. On my way, I realize I don't have my phone, but decided it would be okay. I pass all the civilization and enter the wonder of 74 where there are no gas stations or places to go and all of a sudden my car starts giving out on me...I continue to press the gas and it refuses to go. Finally it just dies on the side of the road and naturally I start freaking out, but at that point I was so pissed that I just got out and started walking like a fuckin amazon woman. I had walked for almost 1/2 mile and all of a sudden a little old lady pulls over and asks me if I need help. She drives me to a gas station so I can call AAA, then proceeds to bring me back to Western so I can get my cell phone. Once I get my cell phone, she brings me back to the gas station so I can wait on the tow trucker. He gets there and gets my car and tows it to this place that tells me I can't have my car looked at until later that night or Tuesday morning. So I am stranded at a fucking car place and going back and forth on my phone to people. Brandy comes and saves me and brings me back to school. On the way, I call my boss to find out when I work and apparently we were crossed off of the schedule because we "did not show up for work." I would not have an issue if it were not for the fact that I asked my manager if we worked anymore this week and she said no, and also the fact that I looked on the schedule and saw that we were not scheduled to work anymore. She basically said we were fired until I asked her why she gave everyone else second chances who never showed for work ON she then proceeded to tell me that she had no hours for us this week but to talk to her after this yeah, then I get to school and proceed to my class after running on 2 hours of sleep, only to find out that I got a 69 on a test I worked really hard on...Later on that day, I receive a call from the place where my car is and I am told that she needs a new fuel pump (mind you, hundreds of dollars) and that they don't do that line of work there and that it would have to be towed somewhere else. GREAT DAY let me tell ya.
After dealing with car shit for the past two days, my dear Countess is being fixed and I shall get her tomorrow most likely...I feel very bad though because the whole thing is going to cost around $600 and my dad has to pay for it...I honestly expected to not have a car for awhile but my dad loves me and knows I can't sit still. Anyways, this week sucks but thank God it is almost over...the weekend is highly anticipated.
Leave me Comments and make me feel better, if you were even brave enough to read this whole thing.