This quote rocks my world.
Living on Earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual free trip around the Sun.
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I get bashed for my ideas on my own fucking xanga. That's the most comments I'd had since i said my parents were splitting. Something is wrong here.
Phil: thanks. I liked them too
Lauren: Yes, I know...I was over exaggerating, i give you that.
Brad M: They have died for nothing in my opinion. Or at least the cons are outweighing the pro's. What has the war brought us besides mourning, the world hating us even more, and high gas prices (that was a joke, btw)
Stacey: That is a big number for why they died. WWII was needed, not like this war. We are just getting in other people business. It seems like we are the nazi's this time. we have people from the middle eat in internment camps right now. I feel that we are just interfering.
Josiah: I was laughing at the song too. some i liked though.
Brad S: agreed, so why are we trying?
Brad M (2): Well, yes...thanks for stating the obvious.
Public - 9:40 PM - add eprops - 2 comments - edit it - email it
Monday, April 11, 2005
somebody stupid in a red pickup truck parked horizontally hit and scrathced my car up good today. I'm freaking pissed off. Somehow there is also a huge dent on the hood. im thinking possible a baseball or something from a neighbor? now my mom says i shouldn't drive the car to school anymore, becasue somehow it's my fault that all these things are happening to it. GRRR...
ps. daisy ate two parisols that were for drinks at the party. urg. (little umbrella things)
I worked usher today. Potter and I successfully tricked her into thinking i was him on the radio, danced while sweeping, changed lightbulbs with a HUGE ladder, talked to mr rather for a really long time about hiking in the smokies and scuba diving..i may have him hooked, and had this conversation with potter: ....
P:"......boyfriend." (couldn't hear)
N:"what? orphan?"
P: "endorphin???"'s loud in those theaters.
"I am not an Islamicist
religion's not my thing,
but they're friendlier than Christians
and I like the way they sing
and I want my sisters free
to burn the burqa if they choose,
not lie awake and calculate
what weight they need to lose"
Seize the day-United States
It's very interesting. Try this site and listen to some of the songs. So yesterday i was at work and me and two guys were talking and kevin says "yeah im nto going to college, i dont feel like it. I've going into the military" now this kid is probably one of the most liberal guys i know... so i guess i gave him a funny look because he says " I know i'm a stoner and way liberal and you wouldn't expect me, but it has AMAZING benefits." and i said "yeah, like dying" and the third guy, james, says "that was really offensive, im not kidding, i have a lot of friends in the military." personally i think he's just in denial. over 1600 men and women have died for nothing. that's what i meant. i was just kind of dumbfounded when he said it. i mean, i support the men, i hope forever that they all come back safe, but i dont support the cause. It kind of ruined my mood for the rest of the night. i didnt see how if shoudl have been that offensive. it's the truth.
Andrew Michael
April 4, 2005
5:12 PM
7 lbs. 2 oz.
19 inches
Brown hair
Brown eyes
Parents: Amanda and Courtney
(my cousin and her boyfriend)
I have always been SO jealous of you. Humph.
Relay for Life Meeting tomorrow, adn I actually planned it.
Mom filed for divorce.
Nobody every comments unless you say you want to die or something. Something is wrong with that.
Bought decorations and stuff for birthday party today. Will be friggin sweet.
I havn't done any of my homework.
Cancer makes me think of my aunt.
My dad will be living here for the next few months. I'm so confused.
Gas can suck my ass. Actually no, that would burn.
I still havn't done any of my homework.
Graduation is in less than two months. My birthday is in less than one.
I think I'm going to get my nose pierced.
I invited my dad to my birthday party/
I'm cheating on my boyfriend with my feng shui books.
I still hate skin cells. And it really does bother me.
That oen kid takes too much for granted and it makes me sick. I'm not sure if I even want to be around him anymore. I just find myself getting angry. So ungrateful.
I really need to start my homework.
I suck at Sim City.
I am still SO jealous of her. Hmph. watch and be amazed. such and effing good song. ...and no, this isnt the origional video, i only found the origional in really poor quality
they are Moldovan. I dont know where that's from. but i think it said something about Russia..
"Dragostea Din Tei is written in Romanian and is not easy to translate efficiently due to the ambiguous translation of "Din". There are several proposed translations of the title, such as "Love among the linden trees". However, the intended translation is shown in the subtitles of the music video by O-Zone, which shows it as meaning "Love of the linden tree". It is known that linden trees have strong lyrical associations in Romanian poetry, tied to the work of the Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu. Therefore the expression may be interpreted as "romantic, 'linden-type' love"."
Alo Salut sunt eu un haiduc
Si te rog iubirea mea primeste fericirea.
Alo alo sunt eu Picasso
Ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.
Refrain x2
Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma nu ma iei
Nu ma nu ma iei nu ma nu ma nu ma iei.
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai.
Te sun sa-ti spun ce simt acum
Alo iubirea mea sunt eu fericirea.
Alo alo sunt iarasi eu Picasso
Ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.
Refrain x2
Refrain x2
Interesting. Enjoy.
"chicago>god. serious, yo. summary: 5 pairs of bootylicious panties, falling off the hancock building, hard-core porno in the contemporary art museum, raspberry chocolate truffle cheesecake, stalking some models in H&M, and being included in a photo shoot (okay, not sure about the shoot, but everything else is 100% true). my kind of city!"- emily
So yeah..pretty much it was sweet. i didnt get that many undies tho. I did get a bonsai tree kit and some books and rings and other sweet stuff. it was so much fun. we had a sweet hotel too. im at bg visiting kyle for the weekend. i think we were in the shoot tho. as long as there was a background..were the girls on the bench!!! hah.
Your Brain is 73.33% Female, 26.67% Male
Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!">What
heck yes. the way i like it.