Jun 14, 2005 00:05
I dont like the old ways, i like the way he is, but yet still those times i desire that thing, doth is hurt to sit and hear the silence ring. I do it myself, i wake and continue, but how i do not know. The next its there to view, but when will the movie stop. who must stop it, im sure tis i but how and when and why and where and who and boo and moo and POO. what really keeps me this way i do not know, maybe knowing there is a think that keeps me this way is why i am not that way. The mere thought that i still exist despite 10 lives gone, is something to focus upon. I suppose its all good and ultimately i should smile... besides oh doth i pledge it be a year before blood run thru the nile. love endures forever, unfortunately despite each possible endeavor. This is all not to say i am not normal.. or that normal you seek to see, just thoughts at a time when i dot care if itrhymes if it yells if it cries if it spells. Just words abound flowin up from the ground....