Here is part one of the Mount.Fuji hike that Kamenashi, Koki and Ueda went on, that was aired on the 26th August 2009.
I don't have many translations as the last lot I posted were clips from past already subbed episodes and this time was my first RAW to actually do.
So I've tried my best. Anyone wanting to correct or add to my very poorly explaination and translation can freely comment =]
Be Aware!
These screencaptures are bigger than my other post caps o_O
Here we are...
Check out the close-ness of Koki and Kame =O
Oooo what is Koki up to? I'm liking Kame's hair ^_^
Kame looks like he's gunna fall over. Nakamaru has decided to wave *why?* and Koki... is being Koki ^_^
No here Ueda said something that seemed to be either amusing or wrong, but I'm not sure. I'll have to look into it. Love Kame's Dance! And Koki must be on he floor in laught XD Akanishi doesn't seem to approve with his wooden sandals =]
You gotta love the fact that they now dress up for their shows and still have a twist to it ^_^ Lovng Ueda's position here, tis Kawaii!
Now here Kame says "yamatte namen niyo ti yu" and the writing says "yamatte namen nayu"
All I know is that "Yamatte" means stop, I couldn't find or figure out the rest - Gomenasai!
L-Breath, this is where they went to get their Hiking stuff but also offers camping equiptment and other sports equiptment.
Kame: Koki Kakkoii
Trans: Koki looks kool
Baba?: SWAT Mitai
Trans: Looks like part of the SWAT team
Here I heard Ueda being mentioned along with Boxer[most likely relating to Ueda] and then they started giving Yamamoto Execise equiptment - want him to start training?
Out of L-Breath they get into the mini van and with the lights are switched off and then wanting to go to sleep - Baba begins to 'ru' AKA making random music notes.
They tell Baba off.
Kame: Maji de! Maji De! Oyasuminasai.
Translation: Enough now, seriously. Night.
START OF THE HIKE! As Expected Baba starts singing 'Climbing up the mountain'
Baba begins to go Opera on us and Kame starts adding in high notes ^_^
Then Baba messes it up and Kame does not approve ^_^
I couldnt quite ge what he was saying but I did get:
Soya mabi boyo no
Somabi boro
Sumabi no yo
As the jouney goes on, they notice:
Kame Trans: Where's Koki? Koki!
Yep, Koki fell behind?!
Due to the rain the camera is literally blocked out of vision!
Therefore, the cameramen go off to clean the camera's and [as Kame announces:] end up losing one; now going from 3 cameras to 2 Teo09 has been able to tell me that they ctually lost 2 camers instead of just the one - arigtou <3
'To be continued' Basically o_O
Again sorry it's crappy. That's all I'm doing today; I'm very ill and worn out atm.
Hopefully more over the weekend because I love Cartoon KAT-TUN and I like pleasing you guys ^_^
Episode 123
Episode 124
Episode 125
Episode 126
Episode 127
Episode 128 Episode 129