I've only been learning Japanese for about 3 months so I'm fairly new at this.
This episode is a recap of some of the trips that have been taken this year.
Most of the Japanese translations that I write are from memory from when I watched the subbed episodes but others are me doing research and trying to translate it myself. I hope it's not too obvious if I have failed...
Here we go...
Baba Singings Yamani no Boro 'Climbing up the Mountain'
Koki Tells Baba to be Quiet XD
So Kame Decides to Sing it Instead! "Yamani no Boro"
Kame Attempts [and fails] to make a note with the leaf.
Here they say something like 'KAT-TUN should be here,' but I think they should've said "Shouldn't Akanishi be Here?!
So Kame Takes a Photo <3 of the group.. No Akame there unfortunately - I don't think o_O
Ueda Laughs (very scarily) at a the joke of a celebrity having a Wine Party during the day.
They start to play Shiritori - GoRiRa = Gorilla
RaKuDa = Camel
On the Mt.Fuji Trip [on the way there] Baba sings "Fuji-San Fuji-San Fuji-San Yeah" maybe relating back to when he went to seek the secrets of a Large Family.
While Everyone is trying to Sleep or Relax, Baba decides to Sing a variation of English songs relating to love.
Back to Singing Yamani No Boro on the trip of Mt.Fuji!
[Seriously thi song was stuck in my head all day today and last night because of Baba & Kame & Screencapting! XD]
Here they met an English guy,I though he did sound American at first,
"Hi, Good track(ing?)"
Koki: Hi
One of thespecial guest talks and the English guy has no idea what was said ^_^
Kamenashi: "Koko? Majide" meaning "Here? Seriously (or) Really"
I'm guessing they've reached the half way point.
Yamamoto isn't Being filmed again!
Baba: Yamoto, Kamera i ye nai ka, dai jyou bu ka?
Translation [mine]: Yamoto, the camera isnt filming you, is that okay? [or] are you okay about that?
Yamamoto failed the quiz ... [Kame Love Here <3]
They all attempt to get the dogs attention when on the trip and exploration of Dog Lovers.
Haruna from Harisenbon didn't want to get picked up by Akanishi XD during the Rescue exercise and trip.
On Nagasaki Trip; Nakamaru & Taguchi.
Gomenasai that the last few captures were just different places [if you get me] but I couldn't get much out of it as they were actually really short scenes.
I hope I did.. okay =/ more soon =D
Episode 123
Episode 124
Episode 125
Episode 126
Episode 127
Episode 128
Episode 129