
Sep 08, 2010 19:29

 Today... i learnt about a new disease.

I wish i hadn't... i wish i hadn't had the need to... but the moment i heard the words Degenerative Myelopathy i knew i had to find out as much as i could... i had to hope that maybe it wasn't as bad as they said.

I had a vague knowledge of what it was but nothing that gave me any understanding. The internet provided both the answers and a sense of helplessness that i know i can't do anything about.

Degenerative Myelopathy is a disease that attacks the spinal cord and brain stem the final stage of which is multi-system failure resulting in death. There is no cure and even treatment can sometimes be completely ineffective.

Therefore in a time frame of between 3 months to a very maximum of 2 years... we will lose our beloved German Shepherd Takaani to this disease.

He's currently sleeping off anesthetic at the moment and i really don't know what to do.

It's a week from tomorrow that i leave for Europe for a month and now... it's the last thing i want to be doing. I'm terrified of going away and not spending enough time with him. Our previous dog died while i was away and i never got a chance to say goodbye to her and that bothers me even now.

How can i be overseas enjoying myself when an incredibly important part of our family is steadily declining towards death? He's going to end up paralyzed and there's nothing we can DO about it! It's not fair...

I just want to scream and rage and cry and beg for something to be done but the facts are there... there is no cure... there is nothing that can be done. So i'll be forced to watch our excitable, active and so happy dog degenerate until he can't even walk anymore... they say that by the end of it he wont even be able to lift his head...

Excuse me while i go bawl my eyes out... there's nothing else i can do right now and i can barely see the keyboard anyway.
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