Yet Another Rant

May 17, 2006 15:23

Today's rant is on the person named 'Chris' lets look our subject shall we? Lets recap shall we? YES LETS SO WE CAN GET THIS FUCKIN' SOLVED GOD DAMMIT!~is just a bit mad, not alot oh no~

For one, I wake up badly in the morning I set my alarm ONE HOUR before the time I have to get up. So I can hopefully get up on time. Sad I know. But it works for me don't knock it. For another thing the alarm clock always, ALWAYS gets it. I mean that poor thing, I hit it several times cause it wouldn't shut off this morning.

So I was annoyed at it, not Chris, he came in told me time to get up, yeah okay nothin' wrong with that, another thing tellin' meh to get up. Well the last time he did just as he walked in I told my ALARM CLOCK to piss off. He thought I was talkin' to him and got all in a huff. Well he's all  pissed off and told me if I don't go to school get a fuckin' full time job he's tired of pitchin' in money he doesn't bloody well have to.

So I'm a bit mad, for one he has no right to tell me what the fuck to do especially not like that after I EXPLAINED it to him, he's bein' immature, i was cursing at the alarm clock and it deserves whatever it gets! It fuckin' well wakes me up LOL. So I'm a bit annoyed, more than a bit annoyed.

I think I need a vacation, away from it all just a nice long vacation. Florida sounds nice, maybe not at this time of year, maybe in December or January when its fuckin' cold here. But I need a break or something cause Chris is just..GRRRRRRRR!!! Yeah there my crappy ass rant.

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